inlineroll一休 发表于 2013-3-17 22:05

老烦 发表于 2013-3-17 21:27 static/image/common/back.gif

"置顶反倒大家不注意" 我也有同感。我的感觉置顶通常是经常用的东西,是过时的,而在下面漂浮的则是正在进行式。

风的方向 发表于 2013-3-17 23:10

高松婴(聚) 发表于 2013-3-17 21:52 static/image/common/back.gif
不要在 东直门苦等 另一辆直达 第二集结点的公交车!
另提供另一种 空降第二集结点的 方式:


johnxu 发表于 2013-3-18 15:55

本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2013-3-18 16:34 编辑

Hi, I am now travelling in Malaysia, and will be back scheduled on 22 March.

However, my passport was stolen here, and I am waiting for China embassy in Malaysia to issue me a travel documnet to enable me to go back China. But I do not know when my travel document will be available.

And I have to go through necessary farmalities to replace my creditcards, mobile phone card, as they were blocked by me when they were stolen here. So I could not take partin your event on this coming weekend. Sorry!!!!

The computer here has no Chinese input tools, so I only be able to write myb reply in English. Sorry again!

And please kindly pass on this message to Dr. Sun, the team leader of our inline Marathon.Thanks!!

小师傅 发表于 2013-3-18 18:19

本帖最后由 小师傅 于 2013-3-18 18:21 编辑

johnxu 发表于 2013-3-18 15:55
Hi, I am now travelling in Malaysia, and will be back scheduled on 22 March.

However, my passpor ...


徐老师不能参加24号的活动了,预计22号回北京,因为护照还是什么东西被偷了,再补办,很麻烦的问题。外国人还以为徐老师是偷渡过来的? 还有国外的徐老师用的电脑没有中文只有英文,所以才这样,大家见谅! 徐老师的意思是转告孙博士不能参加活动了,感到抱歉!

希望徐老师顺顺利利回国,顺顺利利摆平所有的事。 (我的英文不怎么好,能看懂星星点点···哈哈 不好意思)

围观群众 发表于 2013-3-18 19:41


随风柳 发表于 2013-3-18 19:54


何晕尾 发表于 2013-3-18 20:19


老丁 发表于 2013-3-18 20:58


老孙 发表于 2013-3-19 08:52

johnxu 发表于 2013-3-18 15:55 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi, I am now travelling in Malaysia, and will be back scheduled on 22 March.

However, my passpor ...

I'm sorry you had to go through that, and hope all turns out well for you.

This is your chance to have more fun!{:1_1:}

Good luck!

老孙 发表于 2013-3-19 08:54

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查看完整版本: 2013-3-24 (周日)北京怀柔轮滑马拉松比赛场地探营【北京】