atomsk8 发表于 2013-10-18 01:29


brought to you by The Mansion x AtomicKrew !!!本周五10月18日,南方公园锐舞派对回来啦。这一次,为了更广泛地传播免费,自由的派对精神,我们的音乐将从20:00响起。到时现场将有迷你酒吧供应酒水,并且还有5位以上的DJ不间断地轮番送上最前卫的地下电子节奏直至凌晨4点!同时,一众极限运动爱好者也会在现场跟我们派对到天亮。
This is a FREE party for everyone! New World Rave@South Park will continue this Friday (October 18th) — From 8pm to 4am, underground beats and bass by the Huangpu river, skate park as dancing floor, professional DJ booth, sound & lighting system plus a limited bar providing cold beer and mixed drinks on site. There will be skaters and riders, so feel free to bring your own gear and join the action. Let’s spread the free party spirit! Address please refer to the flyer.

Mansion-pedia 嚎宅百科:

南方公园 –坐落在上海南边靠着黄浦江的一个创意开放公园,官方称徐汇 滨江公园。里面有滑板场,攀岩墙,篮球场等好玩的设施。由于这个名字 太低调,不符合她闷骚的个性,于是我们将她改名为“南方公园”。
内容 –夜色,江边,花式长板,轮滑,滑板与小轮车竞技高手,DJ, 电子音乐,人群,酒精……秘密派对不 便多透露,请发挥你的想象力。
地点 –在公园的滑板场 (你还没有去那里的话,建议你先看地图或者你可能不会找到场地)。乌鲁木齐路往南(建议打车),直到东安路龙腾大道T字路口,左转,在瑞宁路上直走,你就会见到人群。最近地铁站:7号线 龙华中路。South Park–    An awesome public park Located in the south of Shanghai, alongsidethe   Huangpu River, originally known as the Xuhui Riverside Park.Howeverwefound it too dumb and too "Ma Fan", so we decided tore-name it the   South Park.
What– There will be longboarders, inlineskaters, skaters and BMXers, underground music, alcohol… It’s a RAVE, go figure.
Where– The skate area at the park (have a look to the map if you’ve never been there or you probably won’t find it!).   Head south on Wulumuqi Rd. until it turns into Dong’an Rd.Turn left   when you reach the river and keep going till you see theskaters . You   can’t miss it! Closest Metro Station: Line 7, Middle LongHua Rd. If   you are taking a taxi, show the following text to the driver:   瑞宁路近龙腾大道,we are on Rui Ning Rd. landmark: the big red crane. @生滑AK能量户外 atomicskate (生滑)

天涯知己 发表于 2013-10-19 20:15

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