本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2014-8-19 11:53 编辑过去我发过一个帖子,说轮滑度假已经风靡欧美,成为一种生活方式。这是转自OLS轮滑电子杂志的一篇文章,作者提出了轮滑度假的10大理由,这也正符合我们版“轮滑活动要高大上”的发展方针。我先贴上英文,有时间再翻译成中文。
10 good reasons to take your skates on holidays
1. Free time!http://www.rollerenligne.com/images/news/sejour_savoie_pmg_juillet_2011.jpg
It's never easy to find the time to do sports during work periods. With at least 35 more hours available, you've got no excuse. Without spending your entire days on skates, you can still treat yourself to two or three sessions a week. Note: it's more about keeping fit than actually training (except if it is part of your planning).
2. New spots to discoverAlways doing the same thing at the same place can become boring, no matter how much you love skating. There's nothing like unknown places to rediscover the pleasure of skating. Take your time to scout the spots that you'd like to explore, so that you don't leave it all to chance. All in all, have a search on spotland.fr!
3. Good weatherUnless your destination is in the southern hemisphere where seasons are reversed, you should enjoy a more pleasurable wheather to skate during the summertime. A little piece of advice however: if you bring your skates, try to skate in the morning or in the evening to avoid the heat of the day.
4. Eco-holidaysMany operators offer discovery tours of Paris or of the Loire valley by bike... What if you organized your own skating tour? Note the touristic spots or the monuments you want to visit, and draw up your tour. Skating is another different way of discovering cities, quicker, avoiding traffic-jams while exerting yourself... Full of advantages.
5. Attending a training camp to discover a new practicehttp://www.rollerenligne.com/images/articles/roller_marrakech_2005_9.jpgYou're a speed enthusiast but you'd like to have a go at slalom or hockey skating? No problem: many clubs organize beginners training camps during the summer holidays, like in France in Normandie, Anglet, Annecy, Lille or Paris for example. Moreover, organizations such as the UCPA or companies like the Club Med hire qualified skating instructors for the season, in order to offer that particular service to their clients. Other disciplines are also available, such as scooting or skateboarding.
6. Improving your techniqueSome skating associations offer you to perfect your skating technique in Paris, Roller Hockey goalkeepers can stay fit with goalkeeping camps in the Cotentin... Have a little search on the web and you'll find the right training camp for you! Other Parisian associations like Planet Roller or Parimultiglisse -and more- also offer skating activities during the holidays.
7. Taking the time to maintain your equipmentAfter an intense season, your equipment has suffered. For lack of time, skates are often neglected, abandoned in a corner waiting for the next training. Summertime is the occasion to take stock and conduct a thorough review. Check the state of your wheels, bearings, boots, liners, the tightening of your frames, their position... Pamper your skates!
8. Meeting other clubs and skatershttp://www.rollerenligne.com/images/articles/la17.jpgHolidays are a great time to meet people, so it seems. Most of the time, skaters going on holidays do some research to know if they can find skating buddies on their holiday destination. The French Federation's website has a search section to find the nearest club around. Otherwise, you can contact the local skaters on forums or social networks.
9. Family skatingTime is not extensible and many of us don't have the time to organize common activities with their kids during work periods. Holidays are the opportunity to spend good times with your family while enjoying a little skate...
10. Why not going for long distance skating?if you don't give it a go during the holidays, when will you? Alone or with friends, the holidays period gathers the best conditions to skate on roads and green lanes. Set a reasonable goal and don't forget that it's about enjoying yourself above all. There's nothing like long distance skating to discover a region, its inhabitants and see things from a different angle...
有钱 又要有时间 :lol 小细 发表于 2014-8-19 11:44
有钱 又要有时间
错!最重要的不是时间和金钱,而是生活目标和人生态度,也就是“怎样对待自己的人生”。{:soso_e128:} 我还需修炼了:( 嗯嗯惬意的生活
等待翻译 本帖最后由 口外人 于 2014-8-19 13:07 编辑
这种旅行是境外自由行和轮滑的结合。是俩技术活,确实够高大上。我认为是顶级旅游。有一张照片是轮滑舞,轮滑舞的技术含量比刷街高。 本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2014-8-20 13:22 编辑
小细 发表于 2014-8-19 11:54
:victory::victory::victory: johnxu 发表于 2014-8-20 10:55
其实,用不着修炼。时间和金钱都是有限的,但是花同样数量的金钱购买不同的东西,给你带来的幸福感是不同 ...