雷达兵 发表于 2015-2-8 20:22


johnxu 发表于 2015-2-8 21:01

雷达兵 发表于 2015-2-8 20:22
为徐老师创造如此佳绩感到振奋!羡慕嫉妒····爱!六张老兄能有如此身体素质,恐怕才真正是没有限制词的 ...


关于轮滑和滑冰能否相互促进,咱们一般的玩儿, 肯定能相互促进。但是据说专业滑冰的不练轮滑,怕影响滑冰的技术。我知道北京的滑冰高手老郑、宝贝都不练轮滑。




何晕尾 发表于 2015-2-8 21:01

雷达兵 发表于 2015-2-8 20:22
为徐老师创造如此佳绩感到振奋!羡慕嫉妒····爱!六张老兄能有如此身体素质,恐怕才真正是没有限制词的 ...


johnxu 发表于 2015-2-8 21:26



雷达兵 发表于 2015-2-8 22:01

johnxu 发表于 2015-2-8 21:01
记时和记距离就用NIKE+运动手表,这款表功能简单,但很实用, ...


老烦 发表于 2015-2-9 00:02

johnxu 发表于 2015-2-4 10:36
这是个问题。我看那些搞滑冰马拉松的场地最小也是400米一圈,那也要滑100圈。他们肯定是用芯片计时 ...



johnxu 发表于 2015-2-9 10:39

本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2015-2-9 11:07 编辑

老烦 发表于 2015-2-9 00:02
400米场地上的专业冰上马拉松比赛不需要计时芯片,因为专业比赛目的是决出名次,只需要计第一集团的圈数 ...

MSI Sports Timing

transponderOnSkaters MSI aims to grow participation in races, make races more exciting for spectators, encourage community involvement in ice and roller sports, as well as provide a useful tool for skaters and coaches.

Convinced that electronic timing was crucial for the growth of the sport, MSI acquired an AMB electronic timing system in 2005. Electronic timing makes it possible for race organizers to stage races requiring accurate lap counts and times. It does away with the need for volunteers to manually record lap counts with paper and pencil.Timing chips provide an accurate finish time and eliminates controversy at the end of a race.

Professional electronic timing is now a reality for amateur racers, be it ice, inline, road, triathlon, or other races. MSI Sports Timing seeks to organize and act as consultant to race organizers. MSI Timing has developed a Race Director manual which provides checklists for the materiel needed, and a chronogram for the race and volunteer personnel.

MSI has access to ProChip transponders that attach to the skater's ankle for use in marathons (see arrows in accompanying photo of the Quebec City Marathon). The timing system employs a loop of thin wire stretched across the finish line, either embedded in the ice or secured with duct tape on pavement for inline events. As a skate's transponder passes over the wire loop, an electronic signal is sent to a nearby computer to calculate the skater's time and lap count. Eventually the data is uploaded to www.mylaps.com, where skaters can go to review their race results, including times for each lap, best lap time, and their finish order in the race.

MSI Sports Timing is proud to have timed since its inception the Montreal 24hr Inline Relay, a charity event held at the world-famous Gilles Villeneuve Formula One Track adjacent to downtown Montreal. With breath-taking views of the St Lawrence River and Montreal’s Old Town, this race drew more than 1,000 skaters in 2009. MSI Timing is the exclusive timer for the MSI's Ice Marathon Series held each winter in several Canadian provinces and in the US.

何晕尾 发表于 2015-2-9 20:18

本帖最后由 何晕尾 于 2015-2-9 20:23 编辑


johnxu 发表于 2015-2-9 21:27

本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2015-2-10 09:49 编辑

何晕尾发表于2小时前本帖最后由 何晕尾 于 2015-2-9 20:23 编辑

何晕尾 发表于 2015-2-9 23:02

本帖最后由 何晕尾 于 2015-2-9 23:10 编辑

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