本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2018-8-24 10:42 编辑“但丁神曲”2017风雪中的瑞士恩加丁轮滑马拉松赛
2017年9月10日星期日,来自中国的四位朋友关梅、仙游、郝师傅和我参加了瑞士轮滑马拉松巡回赛(SWISS SKATE TOUR)最后一站恩加丁轮滑马拉松赛。
A Dantesque 2017 Engadin Marathon
The participants of the 2017 Skating Marathon of Engadin will remember this extraordinary edition for a very long time! The (theoretically) fastest marathon in the world unfolded in the snow, with temperatures close to 0°C, on a wet and slippery road. Knowing the course and the impressive slope that's in it, we can't but take our hats off to the 400 skaters of 25 different nationalities who took the start in Saint-Moritz!
This year, the race was also the Masters European Marathon Championship. The start was given at 9 am. After 1 hour and 5 minutes of race, Yves Reist (SUI), Christian Kromoser (AUT) and Guillaume De Mallevoue (FRA) crossed the finish line.
The first woman, Katja Ulbrich (GER) finished in 1 hour and 13 minutes, followed by Flurina Heim (SUI) and Silvana Gämperli (LIE). A huge number of contestants gave up before the start. Wiser, maybe. Amongst those who did take the start, some suffered falls, others experienced cold shocks. The least to say is that skating suits are not meant for that kind of weather conditions! Congratulations to each and everyone of them, whether they did finish the race or not.
本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2017-10-11 10:44 编辑
能参与其中,真是一生的荣幸。可遇不可求,很可能不会有第二次了,哈 哈!
在这种天气下能有勇气参加比赛的都是勇士! 孝思 发表于 2017-10-11 09:15
赛后看这些照片,还是感觉很震撼的,比赛时倒没有这种感觉,只觉得很冷,很好玩。 johnxu 发表于 2017-10-11 10:47
确实很震撼 太震撼了 憋在国内三年了,真怀念这场比赛。 可惜2022年瑞士轮滑马拉松巡回赛没有这站比赛了。