我们的机票信息 维也纳具体的行程出来了吗?我想去维也纳听场地音乐会:lol 伊菲儿 发表于 2018-12-28 09:34
D2 2019年4月12日星期五奥地利维也纳游览+轮滑
这个独特的旅游让您真正全面地看到多瑙河上的大都市。重要的博物馆, 纪念碑和建筑沿环城街, 华丽的城堡和。 亮点: 美术学院–歌德和席勒纪念碑-莫扎特纪念碑--霍夫堡–艺术与自然历史博物馆–议会–市政厅–汉堡剧院–大学-证券交易所-施魏登普拉特市–圣斯蒂芬大教堂-乌兰特瓦勒房子-普拉特-uno 城市–体育场-贝多芬-音乐广场-音乐广场-圣查尔斯广场-舍恩布伦宫–贝尔维代雷宫–卡尔普拉特茨 (查尔斯广场) –国家歌剧院-阿尔伯蒂娜。
在维也纳你可以在2 1 公里长的多瑙河岛的水平路段上轮滑。从 5月到9月, 人们每周五都会聚集在赫尔登普拉特茨上参加周五夜间轮滑刷街。 维也纳是轮滑的天堂。多瑙河岛没有机动车, 并提供数英里不间断的轮滑道。
本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2019-2-15 20:07 编辑
2019年4月25日到28日德国吕伯瑙四项马拉松活动的具体日程安排(PDF)下载: 本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2019-2-15 20:12 编辑
我和王书记已经成功报名第18届多瑙河轮滑马拉松,该赛事2019年4月14日在奥地利林茨举办,这将又是中国人第一次参加这个赛事!我们的 队名:中国旋风老兵(CHINA VORTEX)
比赛图片 本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2019-5-1 19:15 编辑
活动已经结束。传几张图试试。 本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2019-5-1 19:17 编辑
赛后在欧洲轮滑。 本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2019-5-7 09:34 编辑
Guide for Linz Inline Marathon
Linz, TipsArena, Ziegeleistraße 76, 4020 Linz
Friday, April 12th 2019, from 9:00 a.m. - 7 :00 p.m.
Saturday, April 13th 2019, from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Note: Only if you have announced your e-mail address, you will receive the confirmation plus further information via mail. The confirmation must be handed in, when fetching the starting documents. The documents are not being mailed via post, no exceptions!
No starting numbers will be handed out on the day of the event!
The deposition of clothing bags is possible on Sunday, April 14th 2019 from 7:00 a.m. at Brucknerhaus, Untere Donaulände 7, 4010 Linz.
You can collect your clothing bags until 5:00 p.m. at Brucknerhaus, Untere Donaulände 7, 4010 Linz.
You get the label for the clothing bag at the Brucknerhaus.
• 8:00 a.m. Ascendor Handbike half marathon
• 8:02 a.m. Fischer Brot Inline skating half marathon
• 8:30 a.m. LINZ AG quarter marathon
• 9:30 a.m. Oberbank marathon, Borealis half marathon, TGW relay marathon
Subject to modification!
Attention - half marathon.
There is a different starting course at the Voest bridge. All half marathon competitions start on the right side of the bridge - 233,53m in front of the starting tower (AIMS proofed).
All participants will be accompanied to the starting line a few minutes before the start.
Rent a Champion Chip
Due to the cash free charging by mika:timing the participants in 2019 can all benefit from this model without queuing up after the race for cash refundment. Participants without a personal ChampionChip can buy one within the online registration or are able to rent a yellow ChampionChip. The purchase ((Euro31,00) or rental (Euro6,00)will be withdrawn with the registration fee. The cashing of the fee or adeposit at the starter package pick up is hereby redundant. By not returningthe chip on the day of the event the ChampionChip is considered purchased and mika:timingwill withdraw a fee of 25 Euro from the bank or credit card account after ashort preannouncement. Late registration participants and participants withouta valid bank account will be charged a rental fee on site and handed a singleuse version of the ChampionChip (blue). This chip is not purchasable and mustbe returned after the race. A deposit will not be charged.Own Champion ChipIf runners have their ownChampion Chip, they can register it at their registration. Of course the Chips,which were used at a marathon with pentek timing, can be used as well.
At the registration the Chip number needs to be entered without hyphen. Please consider the differentforms of attachment for the disciplines:· runner: to the running shoe, ideally to the shoelace (not above the knee)· relay: to the ankle with the provided velcro· inline skater: to the skates, not to the blade, ideally to the shoelace byzip tie· handbiker and race wheelchair: through zip tie to the front of thewheelchair/handbike FOLLOWING SERVICES ARE INCLUDED· Participationin the 18th Linz Donau Marathon· High-qualityfinisher's medal in all competitions· LinzMarathon T-shirt for the first 1.000 Half Marathon registrations· LinzMarathon Finisher T-shirt for all marathon runners· Foodand drink at refreshmentareas every 5 kilometres as well as at theFinish· Freeshowers and changing facilities at the Linz Parkbad· Medicalcare by the Red Cross· Startpackage with starting number and safety pins· Certificateand Results List here · Shower and changing rooms
During the marathon expo on April 12th and April 13th 2019 you will get aclothes bag. Before the start you can place your clothes bag at theBrucknerhaus Linz (Untere Donaulände 7, 4010 Linz) and get it back after therace. (Walking distance to Hauptplatz 10min) The changing rooms and showers formen and women are in the Parkbad, which is located next to theBrucknerhaus.
· Public transport
At the day of the event, April 14th 2019, your startingnumber is your ticket for the public transport in Linz.
· Refreshments
Refreshment stations on the course are every 5km. More information about thatyou will find here.
· Lost and found
All things that were lost and found you can get in our marathon office,Roseggerstraße 41, 4020 Linz
· Finish refreshments
After you finished your distance you get a medal and than get transfered tofinish refreshments where you will find: Römerquelle sparkiling water, tapwater, Römerquelle Emotion, Coca Cola, Powerade, Kaiser beer, Bananas,Marathoni-breadroll. It is not possible to get from the finish refreshmentsback to finish area! Only athletes are allowed at the finish area and at thefinish refreshments. Please arrange your meeting point with family and friendsoutside this area.
· Toilets
80 toilet boxes are located around the marathon course.
· Awards
Every athlete of every distance gets a medal at the finish line. You can printa certificate after the marathon, which you will find on the homepage.
· Pasta Party
During the marathon Expo there is a Pasta Party for all athletes: Friday April12th and Saturday April 13th 2019 from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. The Pasta Party is located at thearea of Buffet north. There is pasta with different sauces (fee-based)THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE DAY · Whereto warm up?
The best is to do your warm up before you get to the bridge. Donaulände,running way next to the danube, is a perfect place therefor. Of course it ispossible to do your warm up on the bridge, but there is probably not the spaceyou need.
· Atwhat time is the start?
Start for Ascendor Handbike Half Marathon: 8:00 a.m.
Start for Fischer Brot Inline Skating Half Marathon: 8:02 a.m.
Start for Linz AG Quater Marathon: 8:30 a.m.
Start for TGW Relay Marathon, Borealis Half Marathon and Oberbank Linz DonauMarathon: 9:30 a.m.
· Whereis the start?
The start for all distances is Linzermotorwaybridge, in direction to Urfahr, Freistadt! Please be at the startat time to avoid any stress, tension or rush. (about 15 min walking from LinzerMain Square) There is enough place for spectators on the left and right side ofthe bridge.
· Whereis the finish?
Finish for all running distances is the Linzer Main Square. Stands forspectators are on both sides and will guarantee great atmosphere. The finishfor the Handbike Half Marathon and the InlineSkating Half Marathon is at Wiener Straße.
· Wherecan I find a route map?
Here you can find the route mapfrom all competitions. The single route maps you find at the specificcompetitions.
· Areanimals allowed on the course?
It is not allowed to run your distance with an animal.
· Selfrefreshments
You can place your self refreshments for the marathon during the marathon expoon April 12thandApril 13th in the TipsArena. You will find yourrefereshment at the refreshment stations on the first right table in runningdirection. Please label your refreshments!
· Whatcan I do if my result is missing or wrong?
Please give us a call +43 732 60 34 12 or get in contact via e-maillinzmarathon@liva.linz.at Finishclosing
Quarter Marathon finish closing: 10:30 a.m.
Finish closing for half marathon: 03:30 p.m.
Finish closing for Marathon and Relay Marathon:03:30 p.m.
Finish closing for Inline Skating Half Marathonand Handbike Half Marathon: 09:30 a.m. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR INLINE SKATING PARTICIPANTS:· The wearing of helmets is compulsory.· Protective equipment is urgently recommended.· In the urban area isolated tramlines and short sections of cobblestonepavement must be crossed.· The general skating side is the right side, the left side is for passing. Age groupINLINE SKATING HALF MARATHONAge group categories.Participants in categories Youth B, Youth A and Junior require a writtenconsent of their parent or guardian!Youth B m/w 2006 - 2007Youth A m/w 2004 - 2005Junior m/w 2002 - 2003Age group m/w 1990 - 2001Age group 1 m/w 1980 - 1989Age group 2 m/w 1970 - 1979Age group 3 m/w 1960 - 1969Age group 4 m/w 1959 andolder