johnxu 发表于 2017-11-28 11:11


本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2017-11-29 10:07 编辑

经过20年的努力,2017年10月15日巴黎第一届“民办官助”的轮滑马拉松赛终于在这个世界第一旅游城市成功举办!下面是国际主流轮滑电子杂志OLS对巴黎轮马组织者Tony Mogis(他也是世界著名的法国勒芒24小时轮滑赛的创始人)的采访,这对于传说中有志在2018举办北京第一届轮滑马拉松赛的组织者们参考,尽管北京的道路条件比巴黎好很多,但是巴黎轮滑爱好者们的热情、勇气和持之以恒的努力,以及他们办轮马赛的理念都值得我们学习和借鉴。抽时间我翻成中文。

Review of the first edition of the Paris Rollers Marathon with the organizer Tony Mogis
The REL team met Tony Mogis, the organizer of the Paris Rollers Marathon 2017 and creator of the 24-hour Le Mans race, to capture his first impressions of this first edition.ByAurélien GACHET

Hello Tony and first of all thank you for answering our questions. The first edition of the Paris Rollers Marathon took place a few weeks ago. What is your first conclusion?
Hello. The balance is positive overall. For almost 20 years organizations have been trying to organize such an event in Paris. Unfortunately, so far, all candidates have failed in terms of administrative and security effort.
In fact, blocking roads over 42k in Paris without cobblestones is almost impossible. In Paris you will find cobblestones everywhere. In the course we chose, there were only 648m of cobblestones, but even this short distance is a difficulty for the skaters.
But we did it and we are very proud of it. The event is now a fixed in the calendar of events in the city and we can take a more relaxed look at the future of the Paris Rollers Marathon. On the part of participation and media attention, we are very satisfied. For 2018 we want to make small improvements and changes.
Are you satisfied with the number of registered skaters?
A total of 2,850 skaters were registered for the race. This is excellent for a first edition! We are at a time when alternative means of road transport are becoming increasingly important. However, inline skating is getting more and more competition from scooters and e-bikes.
Inline Skating has come a bit out of fashion in Paris and now has to establish itself again. In summary: 2850 skaters are very good for the first time.
As a reminder, the first edition of 24 Hours Le Mans was attended by only 600 skaters...
If we look at the registered skaters, it is noticeable that there were mainly French skaters. Do you want to recruit more skaters from abroad in the future?
Of course. Paris is a tourist city that attracts many foreigners. My ideas are weekend packages with accommodation, trips on the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Disneyland and of course the participation in the Paris Roller Marathon.
But with a first edition, we can't do everything right from the start. It has to be structured. Internally, you need to find the right team leaders. Thus, the recruitment of 450 volunteers did not take place overnight. It took us many months to find all the volunteers. You have to prepare the people. They are often people without real event experience, but full of good will and passion. We are very hopeful. We are open to welcome every volunteer to our great team.
Organizing a sporting event in Paris is not the same as organizing an event in the provinces. What are the differences?
Closing traffic in Paris can't be compared to Le Mans, Dijon or any other provincial town. The consequences in terms of congestion and traffic difficulties are more important.
There are nearly 4000 events organized every year on public roads in Paris. We have no priority. Paris is in no way dependent on skate tourism.
What were the main difficulties in the organization? a good road course was the hardest. We have proposed dozens of possibilities to the authorities, but most of our proposals were rejected. A first edition should not be too demanding and expensive.
On top of that the city of Paris does not decide alone, but the Parisian prefecture also has a lot to say about the organization of the event.
For your information: the course, which was confirmed to us in July, was changed again in September and confirmed only 7 days before the event. You can imagine how this has affected our stress level. We've already thought about canceling the race and transferring the money back to the participants.
In the end, we had to make some compromises, which did not suit us 100%, but we had no other options 7 days before the event.
We then had to dismantle a mini football stadium, move 40 palm trees 15 meters, close restaurants, etc.
Initially, the event should take place in the morning. Fifteen days before the start of the race, the authorities decided to postpone the 17,000 runners in the Nike 10k run from October 1 to October 15 (the day of our event), forcing us to switch to the afternoon or change the date of the event.
So the afternoon was good too ;)
However, we had to warn all participants before changing the schedule. Some of us felt responsible for this last change... but we knew that the runners had priority.
So yes, we know that some small parts of the course were not ideal. On a sunny Sunday (25 ° C), nearly 10,000 Parisians walk along the Seine and are likely to cross the streets where the skaters are racing, even though the security forces tried to warn the people. That's why about twenty skaters couldn't finish their race and had to go on the pick-up van.
But in general the course was good. Our goal is to stay as close to the Eiffel Tower as this year.
For the rest we have 2 or 3 small things to improve (which should not be hard to change for the future)
For example:
• the trailer, which broke down and could not supply the number of toilets needed (it was necessary to contact a last-minute supplier; the previous day only 4 cabins were available)
• the cloakroom, which was far too big, so that the participants had difficulties finding their stuff
Nothing very serious. It was a first edition and these are never perfect. But the positive results of this first edition allow us a bright future for the Paris Rollers Marathon and future releases of better quality.
Critics should not forget all those things that worked very well. That's almost everything else. That is not nothing. The organization has received many congratulatory messages.
Will the course be changed for the next edition?
Yes, of course. We will pass all this information on to the police and the city of Paris, and for the next event we will ensure that we can enjoy an even better course. It's still magical...when we think of it.
How was the feedback from your partners?
Today all our partners are very happy with this first edition. We think they will keep their support for future editions. And we hope to find more sponsors and partners.
How do you rate the impact on the media?
Very good! Virgin Radio (several million listeners) wanted to accompany us since the beginning. Since then, several hundred news and programs have talked about inline skating this year.
In addition, media such as TF1, France 2, France 3, BFM and C News sent many pictures of the event.
The Paris Rollers Marathon is a pioneer for media coverage of the discipline.
Brands, shops and associations encourage us. We managed to attract attention, which is very important for inline skating.
What is the institutional feedback?
We did not have a meeting with the governors yet. As for the city of Paris, the sports assistant was excited about the event and wanted the Paris Rollers Marathon to be an important event. The feedback is therefore quite positive.
And on a financial level, with the safety requirements of the authorities: could the organization get their expenses back?
If we count our own workload, NO. We spent several months working on this event and only had one week of vacation this summer. But that's always the case with a first edition.
When you get involved in this kind of project, you have to know how patient you need to be.
What role did the French Federation of Roller Sports play in this event?
When we decided to get this project started, we asked Nicolas Belloir (FFRS president) to support us, especially in the sports organization.
He was immediately seduced by the idea of the event and its potential: an excellent stage for inline skating. In addition, it is also good for the French federation and its image.
The FFRS was therefore mainly involved in the sports and race management of the Paris Rollers Marathon.
Also Hervé Lallement and Arnaud Gicquel were very present and competent.
I wish they would continue working with us.
In addition, Nicolas Belloir used his political contacts (he is also Vice President of the CNOSF). I thank him for that.
And 2018?
First, we have to get an official date and work on the new road course. Then we will try to communicate more internationally, as Paris is a tourist magnet. In addition, the Skater Village should grow bigger...
Thanks Tony! We wish you good luck and see you 2018 for the second edition!

johnxu 发表于 2017-11-28 11:46

本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2017-11-29 10:03 编辑


记者:你对第一届巴黎轮滑马拉松赛的基本评价是什么?答:总体来说,我对这个赛事给于积极肯定的评价。几乎20 年来,很多组织或团体试图在巴黎市举办这个赛事,但是由于管理和安全方面的种种原因,他们都失败了。事实上,巴黎一条42公里的轮滑马拉松封闭赛道,想没有鹅卵石路段,这是根本不可能的。巴黎到处是这种鹅卵石路段,而我们选择的赛道只有648米鹅卵石路段,但是,就是这样短短的鹅卵石路段对于轮滑者来说,也是比较困难的。 但是,我们成功地举办了比赛,我们为此感到骄傲。现在,巴黎轮滑马拉松赛已经列入这座城市的赛事日程,我们可以把它看成一个休闲赛事。从参赛者和媒体的关注方面来看,我们对第一届巴黎轮马也相当满意,2018年我们对这个赛事只需要做些小的改善。



原来的方案比赛是在上午进行。比赛前15天,有关部门决定把原定10月1日举办的耐克10公里跑(17,000人参加)推迟到10月15日,这是我们预定的轮滑马拉松比赛日期!这就迫使我们把比赛改到10月15日下午举办或改日举办。下午比赛也不错,但是,我们必须把比赛时间的变化通知所有参赛者。我们要对临近比赛改变时间承担责任,我们知道,在举办公路赛事上,跑步比轮滑有优先权。我们知道这条赛道的一小部分并不理想。在阳光明媚(25 ° C)的周日,近万名巴黎市民在塞纳河边漫步,尽管有安全人员提醒这些市民,但是他们很多人还是跨越比赛中的轮滑马拉松赛道,这就是为什么有大约20名参赛者没有完成比赛而被送上收容车的原因。
记者:媒体对赛事的评价如何?答:评价甚高。有数百万听众的维珍广播电台从一开始就伴随着我们,今年他们已经制作了数百篇有关轮滑的新闻和节目。此外,TF1、法国电视2台、法国电视3台、BFM、C News等新闻媒体发布了大量赛事图片。巴黎轮滑马拉松赛是速度轮滑项目中媒体关注的先锋!一些轮滑品牌设备商、商店、协会等给我们以鼓励,我们要吸引大众目光,这对于推动轮滑运动的发展是非常重要的。
记者:法国轮滑运动协会在举办这场比赛中发挥了什么作用?答:当决定要筹办这个活动时,我们请求法国轮滑协会主席Nicolas Belloir支持我们,特别是在竞赛的组织方面。他立刻被我们的创意和这项赛事的光辉前景所吸引:这是推广轮滑运动的一个绝好舞台。此外,这个活动也是给法国轮滑协会脸上增光的好事。于是,法国轮滑协会侧重在竞赛组织和管理方面给我们以支持。我希望他们今后继续支持我们。此外,作为法国奥委会副主席,Nicolas Belloir先生还利用他的广泛人脉关系给我们以支持。感谢他为我们所做的一切!
记者:感谢Tony! 希望你好运,并在2018年第2届巴黎轮滑马拉松赛上再见!

johnxu 发表于 2017-11-30 09:59

本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2017-11-30 10:00 编辑



轮滑风 发表于 2017-11-30 16:54

johnxu 发表于 2017-11-30 09:59
看了这个采访才知道,原来组织这个比赛需要付出这么大的努力,真不容易。我们四个参赛的中国朋友也真幸运, ...


johnxu 发表于 2023-4-7 17:09

顶上去,供2023 WIC 哈尔滨站比赛组织者参考。
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