johnxu 发表于 2018-1-2 09:45



Dearskaters and friends around the globe, welcometo the New Year 2018. I hope it will be a happy and healthy one for you andyour family and friends, full of joy, fun, relaxing and powerful moments.Tokickstart your joy for this year, I gladly present to you the date for the 15th24skate: 16+17 June 2018. Ihope this date fits into your calendars and you are ready to 24skate again ornewly in this year.Wehave already one calendar entry in the new timetable: The skaters from Nanjingcontacted me shortly before I started to edit the website to prepare it for2018. So I included their hour as a good example. Lookingforward to your registrationsBestregardsClemens

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查看完整版本: 2018年第15届24小时刷地球活动(24Skate)于6月16-17日全球举办