悠游飞鸟 发表于 2005-8-30 16:26

Rollerskate magazine Rollerskate magazine

<P><a href="http://www.rollerenligne.com/dossiers/rollerskate.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#cc0033>Rollerskate</FONT><FONT color=#551a8b> magazine généraliste bimestriel sur le roller</FONT></A></P>
<P><IMG src="http://www.rollerenligne.com/images/presse/rollerskate_1.jpg"></P>
<P><IMG src="http://www.rollerenligne.com/images/presse/rollerskate_2.jpg"></P>

悠游飞鸟 发表于 2005-8-30 16:27

<P><IMG src="http://www.rollerenligne.com/images/presse/rollerskate_4.jpg"></P>
<P><IMG src="http://www.rollerenligne.com/images/presse/rollerskate_5.jpg"></P>
<P><IMG src="http://www.rollerenligne.com/images/presse/rollerskate_6.jpg"></P>

悠游飞鸟 发表于 2005-8-30 16:29

<P><IMG src="http://www.rollerenligne.com/images/presse/rollerskate_7.jpg"></P>

悠游飞鸟 发表于 2005-8-30 16:30

<IMG src="http://www.rollerenligne.com/images/presse/rollerskate_8.jpg">

悠游飞鸟 发表于 2005-8-30 16:31

<P><IMG src="http://www.rollerenligne.com/images/presse/rollerskate_9.jpg"></P>
<P>新浪体育讯 Rollerskate 鞋款可以说是在当年文化笼罩下所蕴育出来的产物。追溯历史,早在70年代末,80年代初滚轴溜冰热潮已经奉行全球,电影里面各种大型滚轴溜冰场面令人难忘。加上1979年,Nike第一双官方认证的Roller鞋 - Killshot Skate面世,更将整个热潮推向顶峰。Rollerskate鞋款的最经典之处是在Nike各鞋款的底部装有四轮双排模式的底架,其美国发明家James Leonard Plimpton将它称为滚轴溜冰鞋(Rolling Skate)。上图所示为Nike在70年代推出的Blazer Rollerskate,蓝×白的鞋身配上蓝色的滚轴感觉非常的匹配,并且明眼之人一看图中的Blazer便知为Original版,由此可见它的历史的确悠久,不过它却不是第一双Nike的滚轴鞋款。</P>

<TD><IMG src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/up/2004-11-25/U774P6T64D8839F1322DT20041125112630.jpg"></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>
<P>  这双才是我们上面所提到的Killshot Skate!翻转鞋身我们可以看到The Authorized Roller Skate字样,可见Nike当时还真是名正言顺为其造势!目前此双具有一定历史的鞋款在日本Yahoo上以约600纽币(3500人民币)的价格出售,绝对在同期拍卖中属于特别的鞋款!</P>

<TD><IMG src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/up/2004-11-25/U774P6T64D8839F1094DT20041125112630.jpg"></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>
<P>  上图所示为Nike前一段时间推出的Roller Skate鞋款,看来虽然四轮双排的滚轴溜冰鞋已经被四轮单排溜冰鞋所淘汰,但是它作为一种文化产物却一直永驻人心!</P>
<P>  文章来源:<a href="http://www.aproxonline.com/cn" target="_blank" >Aproxonline</A> <BR clear=all></P>

悠游飞鸟 发表于 2005-8-30 16:31

<P><IMG src="http://www.rollerenligne.com/images/presse/rollerskate_11.jpg"></P>
<P><IMG src="http://www.rollerenligne.com/images/presse/rollerskate_12.jpg"></P>

悠游飞鸟 发表于 2005-8-30 16:36


悠游飞鸟 发表于 2005-8-30 16:38

<!--<a href="../index.html" target="_blank" >How-To</a> > --><STRONG>How to build a vertical roller skate</STRONG>

<H1>The making of a Vertical Rollerskate</H1>So you want to build your own vertical rollerskates. You have to, because you can’t buy them off the shelf. You are determined, because there aren’t very many vertical rollerskaters. You have to invest quite some time (and probably money, depending on how much of the material you can get second hand) to achieve your goal. There isn’t a universal solution. Instead, I describe my own views and experiences. You have been warned.
<H1>Requirements</H1>A vertical rollerskate is substantially different from an ordinary rollerskate. One way to put the difference is: everything is harder, another one: everything is more robust. When doing ramp skating, you probably need much more control. You also need more protection. These properties can be seen as a reason for the above requirements: Hardness gives you control (the hardness of the wheels gives you speed in the ramp) and robustness gives you protection (you don’t want to hurt your feet when you slam in the ramp).
<H1>Materials</H1>Here is a concise list of the necessary materials. I will describe each item in more detail later.
<LI>Nuts and Bolts (M5)
<LI>Washers </LI></UL>Optionally you can attach stoppers and other things to your skates. But they are not really necessary.
<H3>Boots</H3>These are very important. They have a big influence on how much control you have and they protect your valuable feet. You shouldn’t use anything which doesn’t give you a comfortable fit, control and stability. You can try and look for some used ones (I did this one time) or you can buy some new ones. Be prepared to pay the equivalent sum of a very usable inline skate for a new one. I recommend a leather boot like the ones used by serious ice hockey players. They are made of very thick leather and fulfil our requirements.
<H3>Base</H3>The Base acts as the chassis where the trucks and the boot are mounted together. It could be called the "soul" of the skate. It has to be very stable so it won’t break when you do your liptricks or slam on you feet (which hopefully won’t happen too often!). I currently use an aluminium base which is approximately 5 mm thick. The thinner one I used before broke. You can also use something other very durable. Sawed off skies have been used successfully by other skaters. In the stone age of vertical rollerskating Tracker offerd a base specially made for vertical rollerskating. It was made of a 4 mm thick wooden core coated on both sides with 1 mm thick aluminium. In addition to its high stability it also was very light. You probably won’t find one of those gems any more.
<H3>Trucks</H3>I use some freestyle skateboard trucks from Gullwing. Probably any decent freestyle skateboard truck will do. Freestyle truck are scarce but you can buy them from freestyle skater Yoyo Schulz at yoyoskate.com. Alternatively you have to settle down for some other skateboard trucks and shorten them to your needs (I have also seen one rollerskater from Prague skating parallel style with wide skateboard trucks. Crazy!).
<H3>Wheels</H3>You can use rollerskate wheels or skateboard wheels. There are two things to consider: hardness and size. Harder wheels are faster but also more slippery. In my experience they should be harder than 97 A. The bigger the wheels, the faster they are. 66 mm is nice, but you can also use smaller ones.
<H3>Bearings</H3>Use high quality ones!
<H3>Sliders</H3>You will want to use some hard, durable plastic for sliding. Skateboard rails are quite useable. I have good experience with crow bars. I use some wood to put them in the right distance from the base.
<H3>Nuts and Bolts</H3>To bring all of the parts together, you need quite some bolts of different length. I use two nuts per bolt: one ordinary nut and additionally one self-locking nut. All bolts are countersunk screws.

飞鸟悠游 发表于 2005-8-30 17:04

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<TD colSpan=2><B><FONT face=Verdana><FONT color=#cc0000><FONT size=+1>The Invention of the Wheel</FONT></FONT></FONT></B><!-- End of Headline --></TD></TR>
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<TD vAlign=top><FONT face=Verdana><FONT size=-2>?<a href="http://inventors.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://web.skatefaq.com:81/general.html" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#236eb5>For the Beginner</FONT></A></FONT></FONT> <BR><FONT face=Verdana><FONT size=-2>FAQ on how to stop and start skating.</FONT></FONT> <BR><FONT face=Verdana><FONT size=-2>?<a href="http://inventors.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://web.skatefaq.com:81/buyingguide.html" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#236eb5>How to buy Skates</FONT></A></FONT></FONT> <BR><FONT face=Verdana><FONT size=-2>FAQ on how to buy inline and roller skates.</FONT></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR>
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<TD><B><FONT face=Verdana><FONT color=#330066><FONT size=-2>Related Innovations</FONT></FONT></FONT></B></TD></TR>
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<TD vAlign=top><FONT face=Verdana><FONT size=-2>?<a href="http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bliceskates.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#236eb5>Ice Skates</FONT></A></FONT></FONT> <BR><FONT face=Verdana><FONT size=-2>?<a href="http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blsporting_goods.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#236eb5>Sporting Goods</FONT></A></FONT></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR>
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蓝色☆辰 发表于 2005-8-30 18:40

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