因为新冠疫情的影响而中断了三年后,世界杯轮滑马拉松赛(WIC)2023年将重返中国。根据WIC官网公布的赛程安排,2023年7月29日(星期六)中国哈尔滨将有一站比赛。 应中国主办方邀请,我们正与他们商议,争取在本届哈尔滨的比赛中,彻底消除过去十多年该赛事中国站对中国籍,中老年,业余爱好者参赛的三大歧视,真正实现该国际赛事的三大宗旨:顶级比赛、大众参与、寓赛于乐。 WIC的三大宗旨: 1 Top Sport The WORLD INLINE CUP and each stage stands for top sport. The best skaters in the world are at the starting line. 2 Mass Movement The WORLD INLINE CUP is also a festival on rollers for the whole inline family - without discrimination, without licenses. For these skaters the fun-oriented experience is first and foremost: the thrilling atmosphere, the pulsating programme and our creed that hobby skaters are taken just as seriously as the pros by the ORGANISER. 3 Village & Party The WORLD INLINE CUP successfully combines sport, fun and adventure with culture. The core of events is the pulsating Inline Village with the best brands, the newest products and exciting activities. And of course, parties with imaginative catering are part of the experience. 1、顶级赛事:世界杯轮滑马拉松是顶级赛事,世界顶级运动员将参与比赛。 2、大众参与:WIC是整个轮滑大家庭的盛大节日,没有任何歧视,无须专业许可证,为以快乐为目的轮滑者提供比赛体验,创造机动人心的氛围,这永远是我们的首要信条,WIC组织者对业余滑手和职业选手一视同仁。 3、寓赛于乐:通过轮滑村和聚会,把运动、乐趣、冒险与文化结合在一起。活动的核心是把最好的轮滑品牌,最新的产品和令人兴奋的各种活动融为一体。当然,包括充满想象力的滑友大聚会。 |
小师傅 发表于 2023-4-8 21:03
参加,相约哈尔滨。 老朋友们哈尔滨见。
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