本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2013-5-7 11:21 编辑
2013-5-10 星期五
08:30 北京首都机场第3航站楼城铁站集合
11:05 北京首都机场乘CA131航班飞韩国仁川国际机场 (IncheonInternational Airport)
14:15 到达仁川国际机场,(时差一小时)
入住:The One Guesthouse宾馆(10-11 两晚)位于组委会君悦酒店旁边。 To get to the hotel, there is a freeshuttle bus from Departure-level (3F) exit 3 or 12. This bus is for airport staff who live around theairport (and in the same building) - but I guess anyone is welcome to use it.The same shuttle will also bring you back to the airport. When you get off thebus (2nd stop - International Business Centre), look for the O-Ville buildingon the left about 50m down the road. Free Shuttle Bus operate until midnight.(every 10~15 min.)
Front Office : 8F, #812.(Reception/Checkin)
The One Guesthouse宾馆距离大海和永宗岛(Youngjongsland)Eulwangri海滩上的海鲜餐厅有20分钟的车程。杂货和食物可在距离宾馆850米的E-mart购买,永宗岛上的Eulwang海滩距离宾馆有23分钟的车程。
交通方式:1) 仁川地铁1号线东幕站下车后换乘8,16路市内巴士,在松岛游园地下车(步行5分钟) 2) 仁川地铁1号线东村站下车后换乘740路循环巴士,在松岛游园地下车(步行5分钟)
2013-5-11 星期六May 11th, Saturday
15:00 h Course inspection (WIC athletes,WIC staff,Judges) 17:00 h Photo time (WIC athletes and staff) 18:00 h Technical meeting (WIC athletes,WIC staff, and others) 19:30 h Distribution of numbers
2013-5-12 星期日May 12th, Sunday
06:50 h Move to the event area. 09:00 h 11km Junior Man 09:03 h 11km Junior Woman 09:05 h 11km Non-competition 09:35 h 38km Inter Woman 09:40 h 38km Inter Man 11:00 h Preparing Award / WIC Athletesinging event 11:30 h Award / Stage Event 12:30 h Back to Hotel
下午:前往首尔。 交通方式:
1、农协Hanaro超市 仁川机场店附近乘机场线城铁(机场铁路 仁川国际机场站)到首尔 2、从首尔换城铁4号线到汉城大学站
3、从5号出口出站,向南几十米,大路向西走100多米,第二个路口向西北走约100多米,到酒店B&J GuesthouseDirection By Airport Bus from Incheon InternationalAirport 1. Get on Airport Bus No.6011 at gate 5B,12A on the 1st floor 2. Get off at Hansung Univ bus stop(한성대입구 버스정류장) 3. As you get off from the bus, make leftturn and cross the walk cross. 4, Cross the walk cross and you will find“Macdonald” and give us a call from the public phone booth located in front of“Macdonald” (02) 744 90006, Then we will pick you up within 5 min.7, If you get lost, please ask some helpfrom people or shops by calling 02-744-9000
By Subway(air-train) 1, Get on the air-train from Incheonairport to Seoul Station (subway line4) and transferto heading to Hansung Univ subway station(seven stops away) 2, Get off at Hansung Univ(한성대입구) subway station Exit No.5 3, As you get off from Exit 5, make leftturn (do not go straight) and walk for 50m and you will find out Samwhapainting shop(삼화페인트), on the way, you will see ‘Beautifulstore’ and a coffee shop on your right side. 4, Once you reach at Samwha painting shop(삼화페인트), you will find two small allies, one go down to the hill andanother up to the hill. And go toward up to the hill. 5,Please walk to the hill for 2-3min, youwill see our sign on your right. One the way you will see a old gate (templelook), and small park on your left hand side. 6, If you get lost, please ask some helpfrom people or shops by calling 02 -744-9000
仁川到首尔酒店距离:64.70km 时间:约1小时21分钟 换乘:1次
费用:交通卡4,050韩元 (现金4,150韩元)
酒店: B&J Guesthouse(预定两晚 12-13号,入住后,如果满意,再延住14号一晚) Only 350 metres from Hansung UniversitySubway Station (Line 4),宾馆距离汉城大学地铁站(4号线)仅有350米,提供带免费无线网络连接的基本空调客房。24小时公共厨房内配有微波炉、电饭煲和净水机。所有客房都装修简洁,配有暖气和电视。宾馆提供私人储物柜。从宾馆步行5分钟即可来到一些餐厅和酒吧。 B&J Guesthouse宾馆距离被称为亚洲的百老汇的Daehakro的剧院有5分钟车程,距离明洞购物区和仁寺洞文化区有20分钟车程,4号线到达。距离仁川机场(Incheon Airport)有1小时车程。
2013-5-13 星期一
John:参观DMZ 三八线非军事区
11:00 酒店退房,前往机场
12:30 到达仁川国际机场 15:15 从仁川乘CA132航班返回北京
16:20 到达北京首都国际机场。
预算: 交通和签证 |
| 项目 | Currency | 单价 | 数量 | 小计 | 汇率 | 单价RMB | 人民币小计 | 签证及代办费 | RMB | 190 | 1 | 190 | 1 | 190 | 190 | 北京到仁川往返机票 | RMB | 2,163 | 1 | 2163 | 1 | 2163 | 2163 | 仁川到汉城往返车票(地铁) | KRW | 8,100 | 1 | 8100 | 0.0055 | 45 | 45 | 韩国市内交通 | KRW | 5,000 | 1 | 5000 | 0.0055 | 28 | 28 | 合计 | | | | 13100 | | | 2425 | 住宿 |
| 酒店名称 | Currency | 单价 | 数量 | 小计 | 汇率 | 单价RMB | 人民币小计 | The One Guesthouse | KRW | 32500 | 1 | 32500 | 0.0055 | 179 | 179 | The One Guesthouse | KRW | 32500 | 1 | 32500 | 0.0055 | 179 | 179 | B&J Guesthouse | KRW | 27500 | 1 | 27500 | 0.0055 | 151 | 151 | B&J Guesthouse | KRW | 27500 | 1 | 27500 | 0.0055 | 151 | 151 | B&J Guesthouse | KRW | 27500 | 1 | 27500 | 0.0055 | 151 | 151 | 合计 | | | | 87500 | | | 633 | 吃饭 |
| | Currency | 单价 | 数量 | 小计 | 汇率 | 单价RMB | 人民币小计 | 合计 | | 20000 | 5 | 100000 | 0.0055 | 110 | 550 |
| 基本费用人民币总计(交通、住宿、吃饭、签证) | | | | | 3608 | 总支出RMB | | 3608 |
| 所需韩元 | | 200600 |
| 人民币 | | 1,108 |
| 韩元对人民币汇率 | | 0.0055 |
| 人民币对韩元汇率 | | 181 |
| 1000KRW=5.5CNY |
| 1CNY=180KRW |
| 韩元对人民币的快速算法:去掉后三个0,乘5 |