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发表于 2013-12-3 15:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2017-5-23 11:13 编辑

这是老烦介绍的前加拿大全国冠军,国家轮滑队教练 Barry Publow写的一个帖子,有兴趣的朋友可以参考,抽时间我把要点编译成中文。这篇文章适合于参加过马来松比赛,希望提高成绩的轮马高手(Barry 给轮马高手定义是90-100分钟内滑完全程轮马)参考,可能不适合滑不下全程的新手。

Marathon Training and Racing for the Advanced Competitor

By Barry Publow

Part 1: Don't make the mistake of trainingthe way runners do

Not many years ago, few inline races inexcess of 10 kilometers existed. But that's not true anymore. Today, there are dozens of inline marathons, and more long-distance events are popping up every year. While the standard marathon distance is 26.2 miles (42 km), there arealso a few ultra marathon races of 100 km or more.

But the information age has yet to catch up with the marathon skater. While some web and print resources exist for novice skaters, there's not much out there for advanced skaters. And it is often the advanced skaters who want more. After skating a few marathons, they're nolonger content with simply finishing. They want to go fast and do well.

Train Smart

Whenever you think about training, be sureto consider these key variables: volume, intensity, rest, and recovery. These variables determine how your training affects your performance.

One of the least understood of thevariables is volume, which is the mileage logged by skaters as they prepare for events. The truth is that most skaters log way too many miles while ignoring anaerobic conditioning and recovery.

Runner You Are Not!

Inliners often look to marathon running asa guide to skate training. But this often leads to faulty training methods and,ultimately, poor outcomes. The truth is: running a marathon is quite different than skating one. Running a marathon is primarily an individual undertaking and therefore demands a steady pace. Skating a marathon is a pack sport (like roadcycling) that involves a highly varied pace with frequent bursts of speed (dueto breakaways).

Another difference involves impact levels.The pounding motion of running puts a lot of stress on leg muscles. Marathonrunners condition themselves to handle the stress by running as much as 20 to23 miles a day in the final stage of training. But the pushing motion ofskating involves far less impact. Therefore, skaters don't need this kind ofconditioning.

Another difference involves duration.Marathon distances are the same for runners and skaters, but skaters go abouttwice as fast. Therefore, they complete marathons in about half the time. Anadvanced skater can finish a marathon in 1:30-1:40 (hours/minutes) while anadvanced runner will take 3-3:20. To prepare for marathons, runners logtraining sessions of 2:30-2:45. By comparison, skaters only need sessions ofabout 1:20.

So why do many marathon skaters logworkouts of three hours or more? ... I'm baffled by this. But don't get mewrong: Base preparation and logging miles is an important stage in pre-seasontraining. However, once a skater is reasonably fit and can comfortably skatethe distance, the emphasis should shift to speed, which is where many skatersgo astray.

Part 2: Wanna Race Fast? ... Train Fast
One of the mostprofound misconceptions in training is the notion that skating lots of mileswill improve your speed. I'm sorry to disappoint all you mega-mileage freaks,but skating a ton of miles won't make you faster.
That's not to say that it's not good foryou. Piling on the miles will burn calories, improve your cardiovascularperformance, and elevate your relative muscular endurance. But these are NOTthe things that allow you to go fast over a distance of 26 miles! The only wayto race fast is to train fast, and this is where interval and"fartlek" training come into play.

Most skaters know what interval trainingis. But few understand the science behind it. As a result, they don't know howto adapt it to the events they are preparing for. They do the same intervalswhether they are preparing for a 10K or a marathon. And that's simply wrong.

Here are some rules to keep in mind:

No. 1
If you are fit and can comfortably skatethe distance of your upcoming race, you do not need to increase your weeklymileage by more than about 15 percent.

No. 2
In preparing for a race, do a long skateonce a week. This skate should be about 80-110 percent of your race distance.(So, therefore, if you are preparing for a marathon, you should do one skate aweek of 20-28 miles.)

No. 3
Twice a week, do hard interval workouts.(These sessions will be the primary mechanism to make you fast!)

No. 4
At least once a week, do a"fartlek" workout of roughly half the marathon distance. (Fartlektraining consist of bursts of intense activity alternated with periods of less strenuouseffort.)

No. 5
Give yourself two days of rest each week,which only leaves one day of the week unaccounted for. On that day, giveyourself an easy-to-moderate recovery workout.

No. 6
Follow this weekly training cycle until7-10 days before your race. At that point, you should "peak andtaper": reduce volume while maintaining intensity.

Part 3: Marathon Interval Training
Competing in amarathon is a lot like competing in a 10K. The pace changes often with periodsof relatively relaxed skating punctuated by hard surges as skaters chasebreakaways or go on fliers of their own.
To be successful under these conditions,you need three things: endurance, the ability to accelerate, and the ability torecover. Endurance will get you to the finish line; but you also need theability to accelerate (so you don't get left behind by the pack) and theability to recover (so you get the rest you need between surges).

One of the best tools for developing theseskills is interval training.

Here are two interval workouts especiallydesigned to prepare skaters for marathons:

Workout No. 1

   warm up: 5 minutes at a constant pace, then 5 minutes progressing torace pace in the final minute.
    4reps of 5 minutes at 80-85 percent effort with 3 minutes active recovery (veryslow skating) between each.
   rest - 8 minutes
    2fartleks (variable speed interval) of 10 minutes each with 2-3 minutes rest.
   rest - 3 minutes
    5100m sprints with 90 seconds rest between them
   cooldown: 10 minutes

Workout No. 2

   warm up: 5 minutes at a constant pace, then 5 minutes progressing torace pace in the final minute.
    2minutes on at 90 effort, followed immediately by 1 minute off at 60 percenteffort. Repeat 6-8 times (6 ons and 6 offs).
   rest - 5 minutes
    3minutes on at 80-85 percent effort, followed immediately by 1 minute off at 60percent effort. Repeat 4-6 times.
   cooldown: 10 minutes

Interval training is only one part of marathontraining. Seasonal planning and periodization (doing the right thing at theright time of year) are also important tools.

Skaters should also gradually andprogressively increase their training load over the weeks and months leading upto a race. And follow this by a systematic reduction in training load in thefinal one or two weeks before for the big day.

Coming next week: The Importance of theStart!


要提高轮马比赛成绩,一定要采用明智的训练方法,注意以下四要素:训练量、训练强度、休息、恢复。 这四点决定了你的训练结果。赛前训练尤其要注意的是训练量(滑的距离),遗憾的是多数人赛前训练超量,而忽视了恢复和增氧调整(aerobic conditioning)。






一个流行的错误见解是,超长距离的滑行训练能够提高轮马的速度。错! 大错而特错!异想天开!一次滑得再远,就是滑100公里也提不高你的速度!









  • 5分钟匀速滑热身,接着5分钟加速滑,在最后一分钟达到比赛速度。
  • 重复4组以下训练:以80-85%能力5分钟。每组中间恢复3分钟(非常慢的滑)。
  • 休息8分钟。
  • 210分钟的变速滑(间隔变速),中间休息2-3分钟。
  • 5100米冲刺,中间休息90秒。
  • 10分钟的放松。

  • 5分钟匀速滑热身,接着5分钟加速滑,在最后一分钟达到比赛速度。
  • 90%的能力快速滑2分钟,立即接着1分钟的减速滑(以60%的能力滑)循环6-8次,(6次加速,6次减速)
  • 休息5分钟。
  • 80-85的能力滑3分钟,立即接着1分钟的减速滑(以60%的能力滑),循环4-6次。
  • 放松10分钟。


比赛前要逐周逐月循序渐进增加训练量,在比赛前1-2周内要系统地减少训练量,迎接中国北京怀柔2014轮滑马拉松赛(HRIM)这个Big Day的到来!!{:soso_e128:}

附件是我把间隔训练课程1 的内容做了个换算工具,这样,自己训练时没有人掐表也没问题,自己数圈就可以了。每次训练的距离是17000-22000米。这个工具还包括一个赛前15周具体每天的训练内容的训练日历(中、英文)


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-4 19:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2013-12-4 19:34 编辑
Imarmstrong 发表于 2013-12-4 17:42
Barry Publow 的那 ...

我的想法是,HRIM前6周到Inline Planet网站花70美元买一个在线训练计划。估计会有个登录课程的账户,我把所有课件下载后,一方面指导我们训练,另一方面,结合我们的训练实践,把有关内容翻译成中文,配合我们的体会(如果简单翻译、发布,我怕有侵权的问题?),编写一份赛前训练的详细教材,发布在这里,供大家分享。由于没有商业销售,估计不构成对原作的侵权。

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发表于 2024-4-24 22:45 | 显示全部楼层
johnxu 发表于 2013-12-4 19:33
我的想法是,HRIM前6周到Inline Planet网站花70美元买一个在线训练计划。估计会有个登录课程的账户,我把 ...

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发表于 2024-4-25 15:22 | 显示全部楼层
Imarmstrong 发表于 2013-12-4 17:42
Barry Publow 的那 ...

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发表于 2013-12-3 17:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-3 17:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-3 18:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-3 18:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-3 19:18 | 显示全部楼层
顺伟 发表于 2013-12-3 18:12

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发表于 2013-12-3 21:04 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-12-4 08:23 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-4 13:59 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2013-12-4 14:03 编辑
cqmlyb 发表于 2013-12-3 17:16

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-4 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2013-12-4 14:07 编辑
pipi282005 发表于 2013-12-3 21:04

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