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发表于 2005-11-28 06:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<>The Sound Of Silence [br]     [br]    Hello darkness, my old friend  [br][br]  你好 黑暗 我的老朋友  [br][br]  I&#8217;ve come to talk with you again  [br][br]  我又来和你交谈  [br][br]  Because a vision softly creeping  [br][br]  因为有一种幻觉正向悄悄地向我袭来  [br][br]  Left its seeds while I was sleeping  [br][br]  在我熟睡的时候留下了它的种子  [br][br]  And the vision that was planted in my brain  [br][br]  这种幻觉在我的脑海里生根发芽  [br][br]  Still remains  [br][br]  缠绕着我  [br][br]  Within the sound of silence  [br][br]  伴随着寂静的声音  [br][br]  In restless dreams I walked alone  [br][br]  在不安的梦幻中我独自行走  [br][br]  Narrow streets of cobblestone  [br][br]  狭窄的鹅卵石街道  [br][br]  &#8217;Neath the halo of a street lamp  [br][br]  在路灯的光环照耀下  [br][br]  I turned my collar to the cold and damp  [br][br]  我竖起衣领 抵御严寒和潮湿  [br][br]  When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light  [br][br]  一道耀眼的霓虹灯光刺入我的眼睛  [br][br]  That split the night  [br][br]  它划破夜空  [br][br]  And touched the sound of silence  [br][br]  触摸着寂静的声音  [br][br]  And in the naked light I saw  [br][br]  在炫目的灯光下  [br][br]  Ten thousand people, maybe more  [br][br]  我看见成千上万的人  [br][br]  People talking without speaking  [br][br]  人们说而不言  [br][br]  People hearing without listening  [br][br]  听而不闻  [br][br]  People writing songs that voices never share  [br][br]  人们创造歌曲却唱不出声来  [br][br]  And no one dare disturb the sound of silence  [br][br]  没有人敢打扰这寂静的声音  [br][br]  "Fools" said I, "You do not know  [br][br]  我说:“傻瓜,难道你不知道  [br][br]  Silence like a cancer grows”  [br][br]  寂静如同顽疾滋长”  [br][br]  Hear my words that I might teach you  [br][br]  听我对你说的有益的话  [br][br]  Take my arms that I might reach to you  [br][br]  拉住我伸给你的手  [br][br]  But my words like silent as raindrops fell  [br][br]  但是我的话犹如雨滴飘落  [br][br]  And echoed in the wells of silence  [br][br]  在寂静的水井中回响  [br][br]  And the people bowed and prayed  [br][br]  to the neon god they made.  [br][br]  人们向自己创造的霓虹之神 鞠躬 祈祷  [br][br]  And the sign flashed out its warning  [br][br]  神光中闪射出告诫的语句  [br][br]  And the words that it was forming  [br][br]  在字里行间指明  [br][br]  And the sign said:  [br][br]  它告诉人们  [br][br]  "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls  [br][br]  预言者的话都已写在地铁的墙上  [br][br]  and tenement halls  [br][br]  和房屋的大厅里  [br][br]  And whispered in the sound of silence."  [br][br]  在寂静的声音里低语  </P>
发表于 2005-11-28 18:15 | 显示全部楼层
这是west life 的老歌了,偶有也很喜欢.....介绍你去载那首"you raise me up "west life  的最新主打歌
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发表于 2005-11-28 23:26 | 显示全部楼层
<><EM>The Sound Of Silence</EM>原唱不是West Life,而是Simon和Garfunkel.</P>
<>这两个人是电影&lt;毕业生&gt;歌曲<EM>Scarborough Fair</EM>的演唱者(此歌后来最著名的翻唱者是Sarah Brightman),这首<EM>The Sound Of Silence</EM> 也是他们唱的<EM>.</EM>不信听一下就能听出来了,是典型的Simon和Garfunkel组合的声音.</P>
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发表于 2005-11-30 02:08 | 显示全部楼层
<>对是西蒙和加丰克尔 特抒情 </P>
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发表于 2014-6-13 08:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-6-13 14:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-6-13 18:49 | 显示全部楼层
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