本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2015-2-26 14:57 编辑
据OLS的最新消息,2015年2月17日速滑欧锦赛组委会主席Irmelin Otten已经确认,在2015年5月24日意大利萨拉诺(Salerno)举办的欧锦赛大师级马拉松赛中,可以使用125毫米的轮子,初级和高级(或是低龄和高龄)(原文Junior and Senior)选手还不能使用。看来我们玩马拉松可以考虑换125试试了? {:soso_e128:}
European Championships: 125 mm for the masters, but not for the juniors and seniors
The President of the European Committee of Speed Skating, Irmelin Otten, has just confirmed that the use of 125 mm speed skating wheels will be allowed for the 2015 Master European Championships of Marathon in Salerno, Italy. 125 mm is still not allowed for Junior and Senior categories at the European Championships, subject to disqualification. |