本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2015-3-18 14:50 编辑
曼谷皇家龙城花园海鲜城(Royal Dragon Seafood Restaurant)是世界最大的餐馆之一,这餐馆太大了,服务生只能穿着轮滑鞋点餐送餐。该餐馆以海鲜为主,兼营中餐、泰餐、韩餐、西餐。我们轮滑爱好者游览曼谷时,别忘了去那里吃顿饭,没准还有打工机会呢。{:soso_e128:}
Roller Skating Waiters of the Royal Dragon
The Royal Dragon Seafood Restaurant in Bangkok is one of the largest restaurants in the world. The restaurant is so large, some of the waiters and waitresses take orders and deliver meals on inline skates or quad roller skates. the restaurant specializes in seafood and it also serves Thai, Chinese, Korean, and European dishes. |