本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2015-8-24 13:24 编辑
Dear John,
Sorry for my late answer.
I landed last Monday in Paris after 4 weeks in China.
We saw beautiful things.
Thanks you very much for the links for the photos.
I have many questions from my friends, my family and from my colleague.
I began this week-end to select some photos to show them the trip.
I will write a short review abour Qinghai Lake.
I am full of memories from China.
Hope to see you next June in Le Mans.
Philippe 2015-08-21 8:27 GMT+02:00 Olivier HEUZÉ<[url=mailto  heuze@gmail.com]oheuze@gmail.com[/url]>: Dear John,
Thanks you so much for the beautiful photos, and also for your help and yourfriendship. It was an amazing week and I dream to live it again.
I am back to my full speed daily life. I was in Austria last week-end, 1h20 atSalzburg marathon under the rain, not so bad. And in Italy next week.
I am happy that we have a new project together : 24h Le Mans 2016 ! And theorganiser, Christophe Audoire, is motivated to help us (-: !
I will write a brief review, but not before two weeks. In a few words, thisweek was wonderful, perfectly organized, then maybe some details could bechanged.