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发表于 2015-12-25 18:03
我们上个月去白马山的文章终于出来了!我们上了WOW上海杂志啦 (只有英文版对不起。来源地址: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz= ... MGAkS40qqvKNeO4V#rd )
It is hard to believe how one place can change a human being. Turn the outlook on life upside down, re-install and bring you back to the world as a completely different person. And you just can't help it. You genuinely accept it and weakly let it swallow you up with all its virgin beauty and secrecy. When the time has passed, only then will you perceive the whole impactthat the place and people have made their remark on you. And you will appreciate that moment very much...

It happened in late fall in Lishui town, Zhejiang province. A 6 hours drive from downtownShanghai passed quite fast. The thing that woke me up was a sudden, literally breath-taking feeling. I weakly opened my eyes. A tiny shaft of a morning sun was breaking through the car window. I opened it up and pulled myself out. A flow of incredibly fresh air hit my face. Dazzled by bright rays, I opened my eyes once again and got blinded once more with enticing beauty I found myself being surrounded by. An infinite expanse of massive, yet incredibly fluffy hills, colored with all the existing shades of green. Beauteous valleys with tiny rivers and rills flowing along the magnificent surface. Rice paddies gleaming with all the colors of the rainbow. The purest nature indeed.

"We are here, guys!" My friend brought me back to reality. I looked around once again. "Put the stuff you don't need in the house and hurry up, the weather is just amazing today!" The place we reached was a tiny village called Lishantou. Located in the territory of Baimashan Mountain and Nanjiayan, the area possesses more than 30 scenic spots with the highest point being 1626 m. A complete escape from civilization, fresh dewy air and an abundance of alluring pathways going round, up and down the beautiful expanse of Zhejiang province. Sure thing we had lots of reasons to come there, yet the most important one for all of us was...skating.

"The landscape of these mountains is special and diversified. That is probably one of the highest mountains we've ever been skating. It gives us a wide range of different tracks, each very singular and unique. Speeding through bamboo forest, catching a light ray from behind a mountain peak, being surrounded by lush green vegetation... it even gives a poetic and unique side to each track".
Julien Moreau, AK

It's been almost 10 years since the first ride of Atomic Krew. Founded by three French guys obsessed with extreme sports, the team has been expanding in its members during all these years. Up to now, AK has already explored Anji, Zhejiang, Anhui and some parts of Tibet. Doing skating, roller skating, climbing, biking, hiking, canyoning (the list just goes on), we travel and search for new places, roads and feelings. Speaking of this trip, I must admit that this spot has been particularly special to us. An array of slopes just perfect for downhill skateboarding, all those panoramas we had around... it is a kind of peculiar escape for all of us, which we highly value.

"It's a mix of fear toward the road and a possible crush. A tangible sense of going beyond your limits with adrenaline rushing into your whole body. A distorted perception of the environment since you have to notice every single detail on the ground, on the sides, behind and in front of you , but also the anticipation of turns and lines. Doing this here, near Baimashan, in such vivid landscapes is in fact amazing. The speed reached gives me a feeling of flying, a tiny and dangerous perception of being invisible. Something where you want to go forever".
Julien Moreau, AK
We spent 3 beautiful days in the village. The weather worked just perfect for us, and the way we've been treated by locals was heartfelt and sincere. That kind, yet very deep look they give you, the way they help and shy away when asking to take a picture, it was touching indeed.( But surely the most adorable moment was when some of locals asked by themselves to take a photo of them, proudly posing and smiling as much as they could). It was an intense experience, something of which i would like to go through over and over again.

I remember one day while walking towards the top of the hill, exhausted but willing to try the track one more time, all of a sudden I heard someone call me from behind. I turned back. A little old man was smiling at me with all his 10 teeth left. He pointed on the seat next to him on his bike. Well, that "transport" was for sure assembled by himself from different pieces of various vehicles. I smiled back. Holding out a handmade belt, he asked me in broken Putonghua where to go. When we reached the top of the hill, he just kindly beamed at me with joy. You feel just miserable when you don't have your camera at these moments.

All these small things create such an intense and enduring memory. Time spent with locals, when you truly present and feel the whole atmosphere. Skating around this stunning nature, experiencing the engrossing feeling of freedom. You are dashing through people, cars, trees. You feel a bit scared before every turn, but receive back a delightful pleasure if success. You get rid of everything, presenting only yourself and that very moment. The moment of pure bliss.
The time we spent in the village flew in one flash. Exhausted, but happy we were driving back to Shanghai. I looked through the window car. All of a sudden, I recalled the moment of myself sitting right in the same place, but merely 3 days ago. I was different after this trip. I was overwhelmed with new and unknown feelings, which I will definitely perceive, but only later. As for that time, the only thing i could do was to relish the moment once again as I closed my eyes and sank into deep sleep.
