本帖最后由 johnxu 于 2016-1-14 15:06 编辑
Prepare your 24H skating competition in 4 weeks
Categories: 16+
Duration: 6-90 min per drill
Nb of ppl.: >1
Difficulty: 2/3
Heart rate monitor
Sila Coaching Recommended practice places for this card: Track / Road / Road circuit
Working on your endurance
• Improving your endurance specific to skating
• Specifically working on endurance competition
• Working individually
• Targeting specific work zones
Specific drills and tips
• Analyzing your effort
• Calculating your workout intensity
• Your preparation program
• Our tips
• The pluses of SILA Sport
The special features of endurance competition
The aim of this type of competition is to cover the greatest distance as possible in 24 hours.
For a team race, the principle is to relay one another in order to cover the agreed distance as fast as possible with your team mates.
The type of effort is very different between 24H races by team of 10-12 skaters and solo or pair 24H races for example.
Effort analysis
Example with a team of 10 skaters
24 Heures du Mans 2006
If you consider that all the skaters in the team have the same level, each skater should skate 2h24min. It is far from the 24 hours mentioned in the name of the race.
If you consider that the average relay lasts 10 min, each skater has to take 14 to 15 relays.
In this case, the intensity of the effort is almost at its maximum, since there is a recovery break of 1h30min between each relay!
Example with a solo skater
This time the calculation is easy, to perform in this race, the skater has to skate as much as possible during 24 hours in order to cover the greatest distance as possible.
In order to perform, it is important to keep a steady pace all through the race.
Specialists of this type of race have very specific training programs that we are not going to detail here.
You should only know that their reserve heart rate is of 70 and 75% during the whole 24 hours of the race.
Calculation of you workout intensity
1) Resting heart rate (resting HR)
With a heart rate monitor, measure your heart rate in the morning when you wake up. It is when your heart rate is at its lowest. Most of the time, this measurement is done the morning after your day of break, i.e. without physical activity.
2) Maximum heart rate (max HR)
With a heart rate monitor, measure your highest heart rate recorded after a maximum heart rate stress test.
Protocole for a max HR test:
• Warm-up: 10 min at a moderate pace
• 3x1 min at maximum speed with 2 min recovery breaks between the series
Your maximum heart rate should be measured on the 3rd 1min series at maximum speed.
3) Reserve heart rate (reserve HR)
The reserve heart rate is the amplitude of heart rates on which you will have to work in order to improve your physical level.
By definition, it is not possible to get lower than your resting heart rate, and higher than your maximum heart rate.
Reserve HR = Max HR — Resting HR
eg. Max HR = 200; Resting HR = 50
Reserve HR = 200 — 50 = 150 bpm (beats per minute)
Workout intensity = Resting HR + % Reserve HR
eg. Reserve HR = 150
Workout intensity for fundamental endurance = 50 + 0.75*150 = 162.5
Week 1 Week 2
Training Theme Fundamental endurance Theme Fundamental endurance
1 Intensity 70% to 75% of Reserve HR Intensity 70% to 80% of Reserve HR
Program 1h to 1h30 at a regular pace Program 6x8min with 3min
breaks between series
Training Theme Specific endurance Theme Specific endurance
2 Intensity 85% to 95% of Reserve HR Intensity 90% to 95% of Reserve HR
Program 4x10 min with Program 8x6 min with
5min breaks between series 5min breaks between series
Training Theme Fundamental endurance Theme Fundamental endurance
3 Intensity 70% to 75% of Reserve HR Intensity 75% to 80% of Reserve HR
Program 1h to 1h30 at a regular pace Program 3x20min with
5min breaks between series
Week 3 Week 4
Training Theme Specific interval training Theme Specific interval training
1 Intensity 90% to 100% of Reserve HR Intensity 90% to 100% of Reserve HR
Program (4min at 95% + 3min of active recovery Program (4min at 95% + 3min of active recovery
+ 3min at 95%) repeat 5x + 3min at 95%) repeat 5x
6min breaks between series 6min breaks between series
Training Theme Fundamental endurance Theme Specific endurance
2 Intensity 70% to 80% of Reserve HR Intensity 90% to 95% of Reserve HR
Program 6x8 min with 3min breaks between series Program 6 x 10 min with 5 min
breaks between series
Training Theme Specific interval training Theme Specific interval training
3 Intensity 85% to 95% of Reserve HR Intensity 90% to 100% of Reserve HR
Program 6x10 min with 5min breaks Program (4min at 95% + 3min of active recovery + 3min at 95%)
between series repeat 5x — 6min breaks between series
Our tips
Montée Bugatti au MansTry to measure your resting heart rate once a week, always under the same conditions (same hour, same sleeping conditions...)
The more the merrier, don't hesitate to follow this program with other skaters (even if HRs are never as good) > put the emphasis on the enjoyment of skating together
If possible, train on Mondays / Wednesdays / Fridays so that you get 24 hours of rest in-between trainings
In case of bad weather you can also do the same sessions, cycling or running! The most important here is cardiovascular stimulation.
For more similarities with the 24H of Le Mans circuit, you can train on relief routes instead of flat places only.
Use good quality wheels for your training. It will help you correct your technique and be more efficient.
The pluses of SILA Sport
No heart rate monitor? Do the program relying on your sensations. It is easy to set yourself a pace and keep it for a while. After a few series you will find yourself in your heart zone, even without monitor, thanks to your self-awareness.
Even if this theme is not mentioned, don't neglect your lifestyle during the month preceding your objective (sleep, hydration, food...)
Even on D-Day, take your heart rate monitor to control your effort!
Don't hesitate to go 100% on your relays if you are in a team of 10-12!
Organize your relays so that you get periods long enough to sleep.