这是转自OLS网站 Aurélien GACHE的一篇文章,给准备参加2017年法国勒芒24小时轮滑拉力赛的新手的十条建议。这十条建议揭示了这个活动的终极目标:寻求快乐!
1 找个或组建一个跟你水平相当的参赛队 一个参赛队的队员不要水平相差太大,水平相似的队员组成一队,大家没有压力,玩得就是高兴。
2 穿一双舒适的旧鞋 一双好鞋固然好,但是一双舒适的鞋更重要。比赛中你要不断上场下场,如果鞋不舒服,或鞋伤了你的脚,你很难完成比赛。千万别穿新鞋上场比赛。另外比赛前一定仔细检查你的轮滑鞋,使之处于良好状态。
3 赛前一定试滑赛道 如果你从来没有在不加迪赛道上滑过,赛前星期六的上午一定滑上几圈,以熟悉赛道。邓洛普大坡也不是特别困难,只要你掌握了刹车技巧。赛道宽阔、细腻,特别是现在路面重铺沥青后。试滑了赛道你就知道哪里该加速,哪里该减速了。
4 控制滑行轨迹和刹车 数百名不同水平的轮滑者都在赛道上滑行时,每个人都应该确保有“预判”的习惯。如果所有参赛者以同样轨迹和步幅滑行,超越其他参赛者并不困难。不要紧贴赛道内侧,如果改变方向,事先一定用胳膊指向你要转变的方向,以提示周围赛手,或向肩后观察。
5 永远保持警觉 如果你相信你的技术,那就更好了!但是,始终关注你周围的赛手:如果疲劳或精力不集中,很容易犯错误或摔倒。有几个关键时刻比较容易犯错误,例如第一次下邓洛普大坡、夜间或黎明时。
6 寻找适合的编队,并跟滑 寻找适合你的巡航速度的编队跟滑,这样既省体力又好玩。
7 有规律地补充饮食 如果天气很热,每次接力上场前要喝水,因为在沥青路面上身体很快脱水。如果体重中的水分减少2%,就意味着你的滑行效率减少20%。比赛中一次不要吃太多东西,保持少食多餐。
8 赛前小训 组队参赛不需要超强度训练,尤其如果你们不追求排名和成绩时。顶级赛手5分钟50秒能沿不加迪赛道滑一圈(4.2公里),但是,一般赛手也可以10分钟20分钟滑一圈,只要滑得高兴,你所需要做的就是使你们参赛队中间不要停顿,一棒接一棒地滑就好了。 但是,为了保持身体的良好状态,比赛前的两个月,每星期你应该训练两、三次,每次中速持续滑一个小时就行。
9 注意比赛中的休息 总而言之,勒芒24小时轮滑拉力赛是场轮滑庆典,但是,为了给夜间比赛养足精神,只要有时间就小睡一会儿,耳塞、眼罩都是有用的东西。
10 寻找快乐 勒芒24 小时轮滑拉力赛是一场难忘和不可错过的结识世界各地轮滑爱好者的机会,轮滑既是运动又是游戏,因此,所有来到勒芒的朋友都是为了寻找轮滑快乐,这才是他们至高无上的目标!
作者:Aurélien GACHE
10 Tips to Skate Over Trouble at the 24 Hours of LeMans Roller
Every year, the 24 Hours of Le Mans Rollergather thousands of skaters coming from France, Europe, and the world. The LeMans adventure is accessible to all, as long as you know the basics of skating.Tips for newbies...
The 2017 24 Hours of Le Mans will take place on July 1st and 2nd. If you're still hesitating over whether to registerto the race for lack of skating skills, here are a few tips that should reassure you.
1. Find or Make a Team of Your Level
There's no use in wanting to skate in ateam where levels are too different, unless things are clear from the very beginning and there's no performance objective. When levels are homogeneous,there's no pressure, just fun!
2. Use Comfortable and Serviced Skates
Efficient skates are good, but comfortable skates are often better! When relays go on and on, if your feet suffer and get injured in your skates, your performances are impaired. That's why you'd better opt for skates in which you feel perfectly good. Don't buy a brand-new pair ofskates a couple of days before the race!
Moreover, before Le Mans, take the time to check your wheels' condition, the tightening of the bolts and screws on your frames, etc.
3. Scout the Course Before the Race
If you've never skated on the Bugatti Circuit, go for scouting laps on Saturday morning to get to know the course!The Dunlop slope isn't particularly difficult as long as you know how to brake.It's wide and smooth, especially now that the asphalt has been redone! Scoutingwill also allow you to gauge when to speed up or slow down.
4. Control Your Trajectory and Your Braking
Vue aérienne du circuit Bugatti enrollerWhen hundreds of skaters of various levels share a circuit, each andevery one should ensure to have a predictable behavior. If all skaters keeptheir trajectories and control their skating pace, passing other skaters is nota problem. If you're not chasing records, don't go taking the inside track orcutting bends at all costs. You can signal your direction changes with your armor take a look over your shoulder before passing.
5. Always Remain Vigilant
All the better if you trust your technique!But keep an eye on the skaters around you: tiredness and lack of attention canlead to a stupid edge mistake and a fall. A few key moments, like the firstskating down the Dunlop slope, or the lights at the crack of dawn, areconducive to mistakes.
6. Find a Pace that Suits You and Keep It
Inconsistent times put your body to asevere test! Try and find a reasonable cruising speed that doesn't burn allyour energy every other lap. That doesn't prevent you from getting in theslipstream of a faster skater, it's sometimes the opportunity to pace yourselfand have fun at the same time.
7. Eat and Drink Regularly
Don't forget to drink between relays,especially if the weather's hot, because your body gets dehydrated very fast onthe asphalt. Losing 2% of your body weight in water means you'll be 20% lessefficient! For food, avoid big meals that will be hard to digest. Opt forlighter and small intakes, but more often.
8. Train at Least a Little Before the Race
Départ des 24 Heures du Mans RollerWhen youskate in teams, there's no need to be super-trained, especially if yourcollective doesn't have a ranking or performance goal. If the best skaters laparound the Bugatti circuit in 5'50'', others will take up to 15 or 20 minutesto complete the 4.2 km of the lap. And it's fine, as long as you're having fun!All you need is keeping your relays going.
However, it's important to get your bodyused to effort. Try at least to skate for one hour at a moderate pace, two tothree times a week, during the two months preceding Le Mans.
9. Don't Neglect Your Breaks
Above all, Le Mans is a celebration, but inorder to skate the night away, go for power naps as often as you can. If youhave earplugs in your bag, they will prove pretty useful!
10. Last but Not Least, Have Fun!
The 24 Hours are an unforgettable andunmissable opportunity to meet with skate lovers. Never forget that skating isa game as much as it is a sport, and that everybody is there for the fun ofskating above all!