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柏林轮滑马拉松 参赛指南
Prepared By ©XU Jianping (JohnXU) 中文版权所有,使用请联系作者 John195209@hotmail.com 本《参赛指南》的英文来自活动的官方网站: https://skating.bmw-berlin-marathon.com
1 Registration 2018Registration45th BMW BERLIN-MARATHON InlineskatingWe are delighted that you would like toparticipate in the 45th BMW BERLIN-MARATHON Inlinesakting 2018!
Please read the most important information below beforestarting the registration progress: | Saturday, September 15, 2018 | | 42,195 km | | August 16, 2018 | | Per Credit Card or SEPA Account (within Europe)
Registration and Accounting will be managed by Mika Timing.
After successful registration, you will receive a confirmation by Email. |
Participationlimit: 10.000 Yourhealth: As the organiserof many events, we - SCC EVENTS GmbH - are not only concerned about sports, butabout your health, as well! Therefore, prior to the registrationprocess, we require your participation in the the so-called PAPS-test. It onlytakes 2-3 minutes to complete, and gives you a preliminary assessment of yourpersonal fitness and / or possible risks - for the sake of your health. Pleaseread on for further information... [td] | Fee | | 68,00 Euro | | 88,00 Euro |
Kids Skating atSeptember 15, 2018 (2005 and younger) Registrationonly on side from 9.0 a.m to 11.00 a.m. - 3,00 Euro Bambini Run (2008 and younger) 3,00 Euro(Registration online or on site) OnlineRegistrationTermsof ParticipationComeon and join me!Share yourenthusiasm for the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON Inline Skating with your friends. Bringyour friend to Berlin and she/he will receive a special welcome offer! Eachinline skater who has never participated in the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON InlineSkating before can register at half price by naming the full-paying person whorecruited her/him. That´s how itworks:
Recruiter: Register online for the marathon asusual.
Newcomer: Write an e-mail to neuling@scc-events.com and tell us the name of the recruiter.Shortly after we will send you an answer with your personal code. Registeronline with that code to benefit from the newcomer discount.
Closing date is on August 16, 2018.
The skating package 2018Race numbers for the Berlin Half Marathon, the adidas Runners City Nightand the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON Inline Skating Berlin is alwaysworth a trip, and the SCC EVENTS inline skating races are a must for everyskater... as is the season package 2018! That means that you can participate inall three races for only 109 Euros and save up to 46 Euros vis-à-vis theindividual prices. Please note: It is not possible todeduct already existing single registrations or any kind of special conditionsfrom the total amount. Closing date is March 15, 2018.
2 Registration InformationExtraso adidas Finisher T-Shirt(CLIMACOOL)
EUR 30,00 o adidas Event-Shirt (CLIMACOOL)
EUR 30,00 o Medal engraving
EUR 9,00 o Official jacket of the BMWBERLIN-MARATHON, limited edition
EUR 75,00 o Specialpackage Order the following services as a package:
- event shirt
- medal engraving
- a massage during the marathon expo (only available with this package) Pleasenote that this massage is only available on the days of the expo BERLIN VITALSeptember 13 -15, 2018 and is only bookable with this package. On the day ofthe event there will be massages (free of charge) for all participants in thefinish area. EUR 54,00 o HD race video
See your marathon race recorded by 20 to 25 cameras along the course of themarathon as an High Definition video. The video can be shared via Facebook andTwitter so your family and friends can see you skating in HD quality. Noticethat MySports assures you can be seen on at least 16 videos. The video packageincludes a highlight and a course video of the race. + A 1,5gigabyte download of your race in a zip file format. Now you can store yourrace forever in HD. EUR 4,99 o Pasta lounge
Enjoy our exclusive lounge area at the fair Vital with an Italian Pastabuffet. Softdrinks and a glass of "ERDINGER Alkoholfrei" are alsoincluded.
EUR 20,00 All subject toavailability.
CategoriesSeparate rankings formen and women. Categories according to the German Rollersports and InlineFederation (DRIV). [td] | Year of birth | | 1989 - 1998 | | 1988 and older | | 1999 - 2002 |
Double start running/skating - ranking methodThere is the possibilityto register as a double starter (as a runner and skater). A special ratingsystem will be used for that. For the calculation ofthe final race time for double starters, the skating time will count more thanthe running time (skaters only take half the time for the course then runners).Before the summation of the participant`s running and skating time, the skatingtimes will be multiplied by a quotient which is determined through the winningrunners' time (male and female) and the winning skaters' time (male andfemale). Adouble Start is ONLY possible if you have a runner´s race entry!
Event schedule and time limit[td] [td] Saturday, September 15, 2018 | | Competition | | Kids Skatingat the marathon home stretch (6-13 years, registration on-site) | | mini-MARATHON(running) | | Inline Skating Marathon | Sunday, September 16, 2018 | | Competition | | Wheelchair competitors | | Hand cyclists | | Runners (starting waves) |
All times subject tochange! The race will start regardless of the weather, unless a weather warningfrom the German Weather Service exists. Time limit: 2:30 hoursnet EligibilityThe BMW BERLIN MARATHONInline Skating is organised according to the regulations for competition of theGerman Roller Sports and Inline Federation (DRIV) and of the InternationalRoller Sports Federation (FIRS). Participants aged 16 (age group 2002) and olderare authorized to attend the race. On the course, only inline skates (wheelsize max. 125 mm ) and classical roller skates are permitted. Helmets areobligatory for all inline skaters. No helmet - no start and disqualification!Further protective equipment is recommended. Marathon guidesAmarathon guide service is offered by "Experts-in-Speed​​".More information and registration is available in spring 2018 here. Ranking for quad skatersIf you participate withquad skates/classic roller skates, you can indicate so in your onlineregistration and you will be listed in a separate ranking. Registration feeSkaters:number 1-5000 = EUR 68,00
from 5001= EUR 88,00
Double starters: EUR 108,00 + the amount mentioned above
(A double start is ONLYpossible with a runner´sstarting place!)
Start cardWith the beginning ofthe month of September you will receive your personal start card (please alsohave a look at your junk mail). The start card is the permission to get yourstart-number. Yourstart-number have to be picked up at the expo BERLIN VITAL at the formerAirport Tempelhof (Platz der Luftbrücke 5, 12101 Berlin) from September 13 toSeptember 15, 2018 noon. Please remember to print and bring your startcard. Importantnotes: · Presentation of a photo-id(ID-card, passport, driver‘s licence) is mandatory! · Presentation of theregistration confirmation is mandatory! · Your participation documentshave to be picked up personally! · Pick-up by any other person isnot possible! · The athlete’s wristband is youraccess authorisation to the starting area. The wristband will be attached atthe race number pick-up. Please do not remove it before leaving the finishingarea on the day of your race. · If you have your ownChampionChip, please bring it along and present it for the registration at thecounter. · If you have booked a rentalchip, you will receive it together with your starting number. · Every participant will receivea clothes bag. Additionally, all inline skaters will receive a drinking bottle. · T-Shirts: the pre-bookedofficial adidas event shirts or adidas finisher shirts have to be picked up atthe expo BERLIN-VITAL. A later pick-up is not possible. · Start-block changes are onlypossible with the proof of an official certificate. · Any race number that is notpicked up by the end of the expo will expire invariably.
· Timing / Chips / Chip ReturnTimemeasurement is done exclusively with the ChampionChip! TheChampionChip is a small plastic transponder that has to be fastened on yourskate (no metal contact!) and will measure your personal race time. Fourdifferent possibilities, your choice: 1.Owner of a chip: Pleaseprovide your chip number (seven-figure combination of digits and letters)during the registration process. 2. Chippurchase:youcan purchase your chip during registration, it’s this easy:
o Price: EUR 31,00 o The amount will be billedtogether with your other fees o Your data will be saved in oursystem o The chip will be delivered viapostal mail o You can use the chip for manydifferent running events worldwide 3. Chiprental:
o You choose chip rental duringregistration o The one-time rental fee is EUR6,00 o Return the chip within twohours after the event 4.Chip-rental with purchase option:
o You choose chip rental duringregistration o The one-time rental fee is EUR6,00 o You do not return the chip butrather keep it after the event -> the purchase option is triggered! o EUR 25,00 (difference betweenthe already payed rental fee and purchasde price) will automatically be billedto your provided method of payment. Chipreturn There are four differentlocations within the finish area where you can return your chip until 8:00 pm.
Not returning the chip will trigger the purchase option (see #4).
3 Digital Event Bag
Enjoy your personal Digital Event Bag#berlin42
For the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON 2018 anticipation starts right after theregistration.
The Digital Event Bag brings you special offers, raffles and great discounts.
You and your supporters can take full advantage of the services while stocklasts.
Stay tuned and return to your Digital Event Bag regularly to see if there arenew offers available.
4 Skating Season Package 2018The skating package 2018Race numbers for the BerlinHalf Marathon, the adidas Runners City Night and the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON InlineSkating Berlinis always worth a trip, and the SCC EVENTS inline skating races are a must forevery skater... as is the season package 2018! That means that you canparticipate in all three races for only 109 Euros and save up to 46 Eurosvis-à-vis the individual prices. Pleasenote: It is not possible to deduct already existing single registrations or anykind of special conditions from the total amount. Closing date is March 15,2018.
5 Start card and Expo BERLIN VITAL· Information – Expo BERLIN VITALAt the Expo BERLIN VITALyou will receive your race documents upon presentation of your start card. TheExpo BERLIN VITAL Fall is held at former Airport Tempelhof (Platz derLuftbrücke 5, 12101 Berlin). The Expo BERLIN VITALhighlights the latest lifestyle, fitness, wellness, health, and nutritiontrends. It hosts more than 190 national and international exhibitors and offereverything related to sports performance, functional wear, nutrition, sportsmedicine, active vacations and much more. More than 90,000 visitors areexpected to attend the Expo BERLIN VITAL. · Opening hours
| | | | | 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (race number pick-up for skaters until noon) |
· Please consider: Racenumbers which are not picked-up during the expo-opening hours will expirewithout refund. There will be NO other possibility to pick them up! · Start cardWith the beginning ofthe month September you will receive your personal start card (please also havea look at your junk mail). The start card is the permission to get your start number. Yourstart number has to be picked up at the Expo BERLIN VITAL at the former AirportTempelhof (Platz der Luftbrücke 5, 12101 Berlin) from September 13 to September15, 2018 noon. Please remember to print and bring your start card. Importantnotes:
o Presentation of a photo-id(ID-card, passport, driver‘s licence) is mandatory! o Presentation of the start cardis mandatory! o Your participation documentshave to be picked up personally! o Pick-up by any other person isnot possible! o The athlete’s wristband is youraccess authorisation to the starting area. The wristband will be attached atthe race number pick-up. Please do not remove it before leaving the finishingarea on the day of your race. o If you have your ownChampionChip, please bring it along and present it for the registration at thecounter. o If you have booked a rentalchip, you will receive it together with your start number. o Every participant will receivea clothes bag. Additionally, all inline skaters will receive a drinking bottle. o T-Shirts: the pre-bookedofficial adidas event shirts or adidas finisher shirts have to be picked up atthe Expo BERLIN-VITAL. A later pick-up is not possible. o Start-block changes are onlypossible with the proof of an official certificate. o Any race number that is notpicked up by the end of the expo will expire invariably. 6 ChecklistDid you remember all important things around your BMWBERLIN-MARATHON weekend? Just downloadthe checklist, tick off, print and let´s go! Have agood race and a great time in Berlin! My personalchecklist Name: Before the race: □flight/ journey □visa/ passport □openinghours Expo BERLIN VITAL – important for the arrival □medicalcheck-up □hotel/ accommodation □moneyexchange Event week: □checkyour flight times □visa/ passport □packyour ChampionChip □packyour start card □enteryour emergency contacts Approach to the race: □ticket/ money □programbooklet / skater info booklet □food/ drinks The race: □racenumber (attached to the shirt with emergency contacts on the back ) □safetypins for the race number □ChampionChipfor the timekeeping (tied in the laces of your skate) □watch □inlineskates / quad skates □skatingsocks □shorts/pants(worn before) □shirt(worn before) □helmet □protectivegear (hands / knees / elbows) □waterbottle (filled) □food(muesli bar / gel) □sunscreen □sunglasses □blisterbandages □tool □replacementwheel / bearing / spacer / screw □oldsweatshirt / pants to keep warm at the start □rainclothing / rain wheels □BMWBERLIN-MARATHON clothing bag After the race: □warmclothes for changing □food/ drinks □massageoil 7 Interactive map 8 Start· Changing area / sanitationShowers, changing tentsand toilets are available in the finish area (no lockers). Furthermore, thereare toilets at the end of each refreshment stand. For personal belongingsplease use the the clothing drop-off (see point clothing drop-off). · Clothing drop-offThe tents for theclothing drop-off will open at 1:30 p.m. between the Reichstag and theChancellor’s office (Yitzhak-Rabin-Straße, Platz der Republik). Make sure toget there in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary stress before the race. Pleaseuse only the clothing bag and label that you received with your race documents.Do not put any valuables or breakable items in your clothing bag. Either takethem with you or leave them with family or friends.
The organiser does not assume any liability for lost or damaged items.
· Entrance to the start areaThe start/finish area isonly open to participants. For security reasons, only skaters with officialrace numbers can enter the start area. Please make sure that your wristbandwhich will be tied around your wrist when fetching your race documents is stillin place. The start area will open at 1:30 p.m. You will need to leave yourfriends and relatives behind. Dogs and bicycles are not allowed. We recommendto choose the entrance according to the location of your clothing drop-off. · Event schedule and time limit
[td] [td] Saturday, September 15, 2018 | | Competition | | Kids Skatingat the marathon home stretch (6-13 years, registration on site) | | mini-MARATHON(running) | | Inline Skating Marathon | Sunday, September 16, 2018 | | Competition | | Wheelchair competitors | | Hand cyclists | | Runners (starting waves) |
· All times subject to change!The race will start regardless of the weather, unless a weather warning fromthe German Weather Service exists. · Time limit: 2:30 hours net · Helmets are obligatoryHelmets are obligatoryfor all inline skaters. Further protective equipment is recommended. · How to get to the startFor this event noparking space is available. Please use public transportation. Start area: Straße des17. Juni, between Brandenburg Gate and "Kleiner Stern". Nearest stopsof Public Transportation: Underground: Friedrichstraße(U6), Hauptbahnhof (U55), Bundestag (U55), Brandenburger Tor (U55), PotsdamerPlatz (U2) Regionaltrains: Hauptbahnhof(RE1, RE2, RE7, RB14), Potsdamer Platz (RE4, RE5)
(jeweils ca. 10-15 Minuten Fußweg) S-Bahn: Hauptbahnhof(S5, S7, S75, S9), Brandenburger Tor (S1, S2, S25), Potsdamer Platz (S1, S2,S25), Friedrichstraße (S1, S2, S25, S5, S7, S75, S9) (always 10-15 minuteswalk) · List of prohibited articles in the start/finish areaThe following items areprohibited for safety reasons in the start/finish area of ​​theexhibition ground.
o Weapons of any kind, includingthose items that are used as weapons, batons, shock and stabbing weapons or missiles. o Gas spray cans, corrosive,flammable substances, dyestuffs or receptacles containing substances which areharmful to health or are highly flammable (exception: Standard pocketlighters). o Bottles, cups, jugs, cans orother items that are made of glass or other fragile material. o Bulky items such as ladders,stools, (folding) chairs, boxes. o Fireworks, flares, smoke powderand -bombs or other pyrotechnics. o Flag or banner poles, which arelonger than 1 m, or whose diameter is larger than 3 cm, and "doubleholders" (brought or approved flags and banners which have a"flame-retardant" material). o Mechanically operatedsound-emitting devices such as megaphones, klaxons. o Laser pointers o Larger quantities of paper andpaper rolls. o Bicycles o Dogs · NEW! Starting blocksThe start will bedivided into designated starting blocks that are marked by letters. Please makesure to start in the block with the letter which is marked on your race number.The starting blocks are allocated according to the personal best times (onlyofficially measured courses are valid). A women – speed <1:20:00 h Amen – speed < 01:08:00 h (NEW!) B – fitness < 1:18:00h C – fitness < 1:26:00h D – fitness < 1:40:00h E – fitness < 2:00:00h F – fitness ≥ 2:00:00 hor first marathon
9 Course· Course mapYoucan find an interactive map here. · Steet blockingsThestreet blockings are part of the interactivemap ofthe BMW BERLIN-MARATHON. · Refreshment pointsAs it is not always easyto provide adequate refreshments to the inline skaters during the marathon, weprovide you with a water bottle. Please fill it before the race and carry itwith you. Emergency refreshments will be available at the 21, 30, and 36Kpoints. The refreshment standswill all be on the right-hand side. Please throw your empty cups off to theside of the road to help the skaters behind you. Please help to protect theenvironment and do not throw any cups, bottles, or waste in the rivers. Drink early enough,especially if it is warm. · TimekeepingTimekeeping is done exclusivelywith the ChampionChip! The ChampionChip is asmall plastic transponder that has to be fastened on your skate (no metalcontact!) and will measure your personal race time. Youwill only get your net time if you roll across the timekeeping mats at thestart and finish. You must roll over all of the
mats along the course. Intermediatetime controls: youwill be disqualified if you do not pass the intermediate time controls. · Medical care and health checkThe BMW BERLIN-MARATHONmedical team works in cooperation with a first aid organization to monitor thecourse and provide medical care as soon as necessary. The medical staff on dutyhas the right and responsibility to remove any participants from the race, whoare demonstrating signs of injury or excessive strain. All individuals,choosing to participate in endurance sports, should undergo a medicalexamination at least once a year. The completion of a 10 km race, half marathonor marathon is not always an accurate indicator of good physical health. It isrecommended that all entrants receive a physical examination prior to competingin the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON.
10 Finish· Age group winnersA ranking of age classeswill be compiled only in the category “fitness” (block B, C, D...) andaccording to the gross times. The winners of each age category will receive afree start for 2019. At the end of the yearthe winners will be notified by e-mail with further information onregistration. · Changing tents andshowersChanging tents andshowers with warm water are available in the finish area. · CertificateYou can get yourpreliminary certificate in the finish area or via download (within the resultslist). Your official certificate with your rank and personal finish time willbe send to you in December via postal mail. · Chip returnThere are four differentlocations within the finish area where you can return your chip until 8:00 p.m.Not returning the chip until 8:00 p.m. will trigger the purchase option. EUR25,00 (difference between the already payed rental fee and the purchase price)will be automatically debited from your provided method of payment. · MassageMassages are availableat the start/finish area.
MedalAllparticipants will receive a medal at the finish line (until the finish isclosed).
Topersonalize your medal, there will be a booth for medal engraving which will belocated at Ebertstraße near the Brandenburg Gate. Participants who pre-paid forthe medal engraving (marked on their race numbers) must have it done on raceday.
本《参赛指南》的英文来自活动的官方网站: https://skating.bmw-berlin-marathon.com/en/plan-your-race/registration-2018.html