<p><font size="3">四川出生长大,北京读本科,上海念研究生,落脚到一家银行工作至今。</font></p><p><font size="3">朋友都说我是一张阳光灿烂的娃娃脸,其实明年就要步入而立。在男生中比较特别,是属于恬静内敛,内省敏感,坦率诚恳,仁厚善良,重感情的一类。本是女性的敏感特征偏偏为一个男人拥有。因为敏感,所以容易受伤;也正因此比一般人有更丰富的内心体验,快乐多一点,痛苦也多一些。或许也正因为敏感,所以比一般人更creative。虽然照片上的我阳光灿烂,活泼可爱,可这是给很多人的错觉,现实生活中的我绝大多数时候略带忧郁,恬淡安静,只是跟溜冰的朋友在一起才会变得“人来疯”。^_^</font></p><p><font size="3">业余喜欢电影(动作片、喜剧片、侦探推理片),音乐(偏爱蓝调老歌或者节奏感强的音乐)、羽毛球、骑车、直排溜冰。</font></p><p><font size="3">语言学习也是一直保持的爱好。有空时候偶尔用英文写自己的MSN blog,研究生时候给商业英文杂志写过一些feature articles & event articles,只是功力所限,难免粗制烂造,多亏编辑大人手下留情,否则难登大雅之堂;一口还算标准的美国口音能勉强麻痹老外,忽悠国人;喜欢看美国片,Forrest Gump和Shawshank Redemption是我最爱;喜欢读外文书,畅销psychology books为主。因为工作关系,会讲一些基本的粤语白话,不过发音尚欠缺标准。<br/> <br/>擅长书法(硬笔和毛笔),并非个人所好,只因自幼家教严格、父母逼迫,"多才多艺"的代价是失去了天真烂漫的童年时光。年少时曾自愿跟随职业运动员学习双排花样溜冰,会一些简单最基本的转、跳、燕式平衡动作。</font></p><p><font size="3">虽然很多人说我优秀、有天赋,不过自己始终觉得自己不过是茫茫都市的沧海一粟。父母原本是出生贫寒阡陌,无奈中弃田从戎,军旅生涯中挣扎拼搏最后实现梦想的人。所以我常想,如果不是因为他们当初给我创造了好的条件,现在我很可能是个饥不裹腹、风餐露宿的民工而已。在我眼里,农民、民工、乞丐、下岗工人这些弱势群体和我这种白领打工仔应该有同样的权利和地位,同样值得我们关注、同情、尊重,因为中国的改革和发展很大程度上是建立在牺牲弱势群体利益基础上的。我鄙视的是那些自我标榜、媒体炒作的政客要人、商界“名家”、娱乐戏子,用喧嚣浮躁、尔虞我诈、急功近利的手段和伎俩换取经济和文化的泡沫繁荣。</font></p><p><font size="3">经历一些起落坎坷,倍感平淡是真。希望另一半善良、温柔、体贴、活泼开朗(其实恬静内向也可以),脾气较好,看重感情,也希望能跟自己有相似的价值观,把金钱和物质看的淡一些。另外,人格上的独立对我也很重要。希望这些条件不会太高而吓倒你。 </font></p><p><font size="3">如果你是很作的女生,如果你寻找伴侣的目的是为了追求享受抑或是排遣孤独,如果你很希望对方是有钱、有房、有车的“成品”,我很抱歉,我想我们不适合。</font></p><p><font size="3">联系方式: </font><a href="mailto:tim_st_zhao@sohu.com"><font size="3">tim_st_zhao@sohu.com</font></a></p><p><br/><font size="3">Well, I am an interesting guy, but am looking for a serious relationship with the right girl. Not sure what is out there but I would like to give it a try. </font></p><p><font size="3">Me: A sichuan native now living a good life in Shanghai. I did my undergrad program in Beijing and obtained my master’s in Shanghai. I worked in one of the Big Four firms on the corporate finance side for a short while before I joined a foreign commercial bank in Shanghai. </font></p><p><font size="3">I look a tiny bit younger than my age– I will turn 30 next January. I don’t look as sunny and bright as on the photograph. My personality profile, INFJ, indicates that I am of the introspective, sensitive, candid and articulate type that accounts for roughly 1% of the population. (For those of you who don’t know the jargon “INFJ”is, please just do a quick Google search).</font></p><p><font size="3">Associated with the INFJ profile are my traits and characteristics that can be most likely found in writers and artists: I have an inner rich life, happy or sad, that the majority of the population would not sense much in their lifetime; I get hurt more easily than the average people, and I’m more articulate in words and in person when it comes to a time when I need to be verbally expressive; I tend to be much more creative and imaginative particularly in writing, as feelings, thoughts, ideas flow into my mind naturally. Had it not been my father’s choice of my finance major, I would probably have ended up as a non-fiction writer eventually. </font></p><p><font |