图表显示了竞速轴承以40km/h的速度运行后的表现。688微型轴承在头5小时内更适合于急跑,这是由其低摩擦及较标准轴承轻出的70% 重量造成的。但因对震动及脏污的抵抗能力差,持续的时间短。例如用润滑脂的训练轴承由于较好的防护性,更适合长时间使用。
训练轴承采用润滑脂不需要经常润滑, 可每次使用250小时。 (余下省略未译)
这里可以很清楚地看出竞赛器材同训练器材的区别,润滑油润滑轴承维护量大,使用时间短,但使用期内性能好,训练轴承正相反。688轴承短期内性能最高但耐用性最差。可见不要只追求高档器材,训练时采用此类器材毫无必要,为了发挥性能维护量大得很,这些时间用于训练不是更好吗。 至于比赛时用什么器材就自己量力而行吧。但器材上微小的差异不会对比赛造成太大影响,世界大赛上也不是所有选手都用陶瓷轴承或688轴承。
题外话: 很多厂商对688,608轴承及不同润滑方式对轴承性能的影响认识的很清楚. 看看极限鞋,轮滑球使用的608润滑脂轴承就知道。但很多厂商把688轴承用到休闲鞋上,就我看这是商业炒作,制造卖点,价格上去了,耐用性下来了,同时必须使用小轮毂的轮子。
This graph shows the excellent racing bearings performance while rolling, after been launched at 40 km/h. The 688 mini bearings are more suitable for sprinting than standard size bearings due to lower friction in the first 5 hours and the lower weight: 70% reduction per bearing! Mini bearings however last shorter due to lower resistance to shocks and by dirt. For instance grease training bearings are much more appreciated for longer lifetime due to better protection.
Racing bearings are oiled and need to be frequently cleaned and lubricated. Before each race, or every 5 hours of use, dismount the bearings and allow (through open side) 1 drop of thin oil, not more. Clean the inner part of the hub, each time you maintain the bearings. Please be careful while mounting and dismounting to avoid any excessive force on the bearings. For this, use adapted tools. After skating in wet conditions always dismount your oiled bearings, clean them and dry them. Oil them inside and outside as soon as they are dry. Every 10 hours check your oiled bearings for good rolling. If not dismount them again and clean them.
Training bearings are greased and do not need frequent lubrication. Every 250 hours of rolling is sufficient.(All SKF bearings are ABEC 5 SKF bearings, made of world‘s cleanest chromium steel from SKF Sweden. They are well known to be the strongest in all kinds of applications they have been used in. Thanks to the SKF top level process of hardening and honing the steel stands unrivalled to bring smooth and durable fast rolling conditions.)