



楼主: Catharine

Joey Mantia 访谈及技巧

发表于 2009-10-5 01:20 | 显示全部楼层
2# jishuluntan
我只是把我知道的拿出来分享给大家而已 你看不懂英文也不是我的错吧 是有人向我问了我才把资料搜集了一些发出来的
他的博客不也是英文的 看不懂难道就不能查一下?对你没作用不代表对其他人也没用 ...
Catharine 发表于 2009-10-4 17:01

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-5 01:40 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Catharine 于 2009-10-5 01:43 编辑

10# totally
随你好了 我才没那精力跟你讨论这些有没有用 那只是在给别人回复而已
为什么非要每个人说的每句话都对其他所有人有用 哪门子规矩这是 对你没用的你不看不就得了 何必还弄个回复不可 就算回复了也得不到你想要的答案
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发表于 2009-10-5 06:54 | 显示全部楼层
10# totally
随你好了 我才没那精力跟你讨论这些有没有用 那只是在给别人回复而已
为什么非要每个人说的每句话都对其他所有人有用 哪门子规矩这是 对你没用的你不看不就得了 何必还弄个回复不可 就算回复了也得不 ...
Catharine 发表于 2009-10-5 01:40

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发表于 2009-10-5 08:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lwj0378 于 2009-10-5 09:58 编辑

Putting in the Time 将在时间
By Joey Mantia 作者:Joey曼蒂亚
Oct. 26, 2007 2007年10月26日
(Originally published: Aug. 25, 2006) (原公布:2006年8月25日)
Want to improve your skating?想提高你的溜冰? First, make sure you are fully comfortable on your skates.首先,确保您的冰鞋舒适。
By simply skating regularly, whether it be at public sessions at roller rinks, strolls around the neighborhood or local club practices.只需定期滑冰,无论是在在溜冰场公开活动,在邻里附近散步或地方俱乐部的做法。
Skate at least 45 minutes a day, six days a week.每天滑至少45分钟,,每周6天。 You don't have to go hard every day.你不必每天都去努力。 Just putting in the time is enough.只在时间投入是不够的。
After you get comfortable on your skates, work on the basics and learn proper technique.,您有自己舒适的冰鞋之后,从事基础练习和学习正确的技术。 Without it, you won't be an efficient skater and will always fall short of your potential.没有好鞋,你不会是一个高效率的选手,将永远达不到你的潜力。
To polish your technique, sign up for lessons or skate seminars, such as the banked track clinics organized by USA Roller Sports.精良你的技术,选课或溜冰研讨会的,比如美国轮滑体育组织论坛室内赛的学术会议。

Joey Mantia is the world's top inline speed skater. 乔伊曼蒂亚是世界顶级速滑运动员。 Once again this year, he dominated the men's division at the World Speed Skating Championships, winning seven gold medals. 今年再次,他主导的世界速度滑冰锦标赛男子组,赢得7枚金牌。 He also notched victories in two of the three World Inline Cup marathons that he entered this year. 他还创下了三个世界杯马拉松赛 , 他进入了今年的两场胜利。 At 21, he is already well on his way to reaching one of his goals: to become one of the most dominant skaters in the history of inline racing. 21岁时,他早已途中达成他的目标是:成为在历史上最主要选手之一。 Eventually, he plans to start training on ice in pursuit of an Olympic gold medal in long-track ice. 最终,他计划在开始在长期跟踪冰面奥运金牌的追求冰上训练。 He is sponsored by Luigino Racing. 他是由Luigino赞助。

2008年5月4日 2008年5月4日
Joey Mantia 乔伊曼蒂亚
Post-race interview with the men's winner of the 2008 San Francisco Inline Marathon 后的比赛 , 男子2008年旧金山马拉松赛冠军访谈
By Robert Burnson 由罗伯特Burnson
May 4, 2008 2008年5月4日
What was the race like today? 什么是今天这样的比赛?
From the start, it was kind of hard, because I hadn't touched my skate for two days, which for me is usually a mistake. 从一开始,这是种很难,因为我还没有触及两天,我的滑冰这对我来说通常是一个错误。 Usually after a day off, I'm terrible. 通常在休息日,我可怕的。 So from the get-go, my shins were hurting. 因此 , 从一开始去,我的小腿有些疼。
I was trying to relax. 我试图放松。 I tried to do some breaks. 我试图做一些休息。 I tried everything: go, stop, whatever. 我什么都试过:走,停止,不管。 But nothing worked; my shins still hurt. 但没有工作,我的小腿受到损害。
So with three laps to go, I decided I would make a real attempt at a breakaway. 因此 , 有三个圈去,我决定我会在一个脱离实际的尝试。 And they [skaters in the lead pack] let me get away. 他们[选手领先包]让我脱身。
My shins were unbelievably locked up. 我的小腿是令人难以置信的锁定。 I could hear my feet hitting the ground, clunk-clunk, clunk-clunk. 我听到我的脚撞到地面,clunk - clunk,clunk - clunk。 I had no control over anything (laughs). 我没有对任何控制(笑)。 At one point with about one lap to go, I thought, I am just going to go back to the pack ... 在一个大约1圈点去,我想,我只是要回到包... because I was hurting so bad. 因为我伤害如此糟糕。 But I don't know? 但我不知道吗? I figured it was just three miles left, so I would just keep going. 我估计这只是左三英里,所以我只想继续下去。
You went on your breakaway headed into the wind, didn't you? 你接着说 , 进风为首的分离,是不是?

Yeah. 是啊。 It's easier to do it that way. 更容易这样做的。 With 110s and everyone skating on bigger wheels now, it's very hard to get away from the pack going downhill. 随着110和每个人都在溜冰现在更大的轮,这很难让包袱离开了下坡。 It's almost impossible because the pack carries so much speed. 这几乎是不可能的 , 因为这么多件的速度进行。 They don't really have to skate hard; they just roll. 他们真的没有滑冰努力,他们只是滑。 And if one person decides to go to the front and go a little bit hard, the whole pack just goes with him. 如果一个人决定到最前面,一点点努力行动,全部包袱会离他而去。
Back in the day of 84mm wheels, you could actually get away from the pack whenever you wanted if you were strong. 84毫米轮的黄金时代,你实际上可以摆脱包袱 , 你想如果你是强状 的。 Now you have to be smarter and pick your battles. 现在你必须要聪明 , 有选择地战斗。 Even in the World Cups, the breaks only happen on uphills or on really long flats. 即使在世界杯,地形变化只发生在上坡或在真正的长平地。 On a downhill, you are never going to get away. 在下坡,你永远不会离开。
How were you feeling on the last lap? 您是如何在最后一圈的感觉?
I was thinking, man, is this ever going to end? 我在想,人,是这无休止的结束? ... ... Going into the wind, I caught up to the masters group, and I sat behind them for about 30 seconds, and then I said, All right, I've got to go. 进风走出去,我赶上先进组,我在他们后面约30秒,然后我说,好吧,我得走了。 Then going up the hill at the end of the course, I said, man, this is miserable, and I almost fell down. 然后向上在课程结束后的山,我说,人,这是悲惨的,我几乎倒下。 ... ... I kicked myself. 我抗击自己。 I was in bad shape. 我是在健康状况不佳。
Then coming to the finish, I was like, this is it. 然后来到终点,我在想,这是它。 Just look smooth. 你看平稳。 Don't fall down. 不要摔倒。 That's what I was telling myself. 这就是我告诉自己。
Then as soon as I could after I finished, I took my skates off and my shins were like rocks. 然后 , 只要我能在我讲完后,我把我的冰鞋了 , 我的小腿像岩石。
This was kind of a wakeup call for me today. 这是对我来说 , 今天的一种警醒。 I need to get outside more. 我需要得到外界更多。 There's only so much you can do indoors. 现在只有这么多可以做室内。
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-5 10:16 | 显示全部楼层
13# totally
! 我汗 我不是他的翻译吖 我是葡萄牙队的翻译 跟美国队没关系 跟JOEY只是私交还行而已 整理这些也纯粹是有人向我提了我自己花时间弄的 我要是他的翻译还不跟着去看训练去了  谁叫我在中国呢 大帅哥一个 人又好又有教养 我说句可爱也不为过吧
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-5 10:17 | 显示全部楼层
14# lwj0378
这个翻译版本真是绝了- -!
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发表于 2009-10-6 00:45 | 显示全部楼层
13# totally  
大帅哥一个 人又好又有教养 我说句可爱也不为过吧Catharine 发表于 2009-10-5 10:16

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-6 09:50 | 显示全部楼层
17# totally
这也倒是还不会 呵呵 他把他穿的T恤和他的吉祥物都给了我的
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发表于 2009-10-6 14:11 | 显示全部楼层
支持楼主,感谢楼主,年轻有为呀。 看了楼主的帖子才知道还有“国家防火墙”,原来我们现在看不到youtube上的视频是被防火墙隔住了呀。
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-6 17:15 | 显示全部楼层
19# 老头鱼
说得我都不好意思了 呵呵 谢谢支持 有问题随时发邮件给我哦
catharine9029@hotmail.com MSN 也是用的这个邮箱^_^

国家防火墙可以跳的 用在线代理网站只是暂时的办法 可以用代理服务器 这样就可以有一个虚拟的国外IP 国家防火墙就不管用了 这个办法我还在试 我有朋友已经弄好 但是她的朋友帮着弄的 我不想麻烦人家就自己在看教程了 实际上如果你真想知道的话网上有很多教程 不过先提醒一下 有很多代理服务器的虚拟IP也逐渐被国家防火墙封杀了 所以 要挑出来有用的还蛮不容易的
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