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发表于 2005-3-18 04:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<><FONT color=#0707c6 size=4><b><U>Jeju international skating games, South-Korea (March 12th)</U></b></FONT></P>
<><FONT face=Verdana color=#0707c6 size=2><b>Jong-Hwa Kim won the freestyle slalom competition in front of Jae-Seon Lee and Chang-Hwan Lim. In the speed slalom competition, Yu-Shin Yun finished first against Jong-Hwa Kim, Chang-Hwan Lim took the third place. Hae-Suk Jeong won the girl&#8217;s freestyle contest, Ji-Hee Kang was second but won the Speed contest against Hae-Suk Jeong.</b></FONT></P>
<><b><FONT face=Verdana color=#0707c6>录像下载:</FONT></b></P>
<P><a href="http://hepac.urinet21.com/videos/2005Jeju/manfree1.wmv" target="_blank" >http://hepac.urinet21.com/videos/2005Jeju/manfree1.wmv</A></P>
<a href="http://hepac.urinet21.com/videos/2005Jeju/manfree2.wmv" target="_blank" >http://hepac.urinet21.com/videos/2005Jeju/manfree2.wmv</A></P>
<a href="http://hepac.urinet21.com/videos/2005Jeju/womanfree1.wmv" target="_blank" >http://hepac.urinet21.com/videos/2005Jeju/womanfree1.wmv</A></P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-18 04:24 | 显示全部楼层
<>kim jonghwa得了第一,哈哈,厉害厉害</P><>录像还在下载中,期待看他的精彩表演~~</P>
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-18 05:27 | 显示全部楼层
<>这次比赛的规则有些变化</P><>首先是速度过桩,桩距是90cm,好爽,呵呵</P><>花式过桩是3排桩,桩距分别是60,90,120cm,时间限制是2分钟,难怪看录像里他们都做的那么从容呢,呵呵</P><P>下面是规则的英文介绍:</P><P><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2 height=35> 2-2 Slalom Game</TD></TR><TR><TD width=50></TD><TD><img src="http://www.jejuinline.org/4thjeju/images/tour/dot_sub_litegre.gif">  Timetable
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TR><TD width=30></TD><TD><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 4pt">♂</FONT>  09:00 ~ 10:00: Distribution of back number to participants who are not received his/her number yet.
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 4pt">♂</FONT>  10:00 ~ 10:30: Opening Ceremony/Warming up
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 4pt">♂</FONT>  10:30: Speed Slalom
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 4pt">♂</FONT>  12:30: Free Style Slalom
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 4pt">♂</FONT>  17:00: Awarding Ceremony
<img src="http://www.jejuinline.org/4thjeju/images/tour/dot_sub_litegre.gif">  Playing manner and matters to be noticed

<img src="http://www.jejuinline.org/4thjeju/images/tour/dot_sub_litegre.gif">  Speed Slalom <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TR><TD width=30></TD><TD><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 4pt">♂</FONT>  Player tries to pass with his/her best skill as quickly as he/she can.
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 4pt">♂</FONT>  The record shall be entered promptly on Whiteboard after time counting (down to two decimal places).
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 4pt">♂</FONT>  The game may be run in tournament in order of team which is made of 2 players if there is measuring machine on the spot (1st trial).
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 4pt">♂</FONT>  Provided, if the players who fails in 1st trial may challenge twice. (The conditions of failure are shown below)
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 4pt">♂</FONT>  If there is no measuring machine on the spot, participants are required to do play personally (2nd trial)
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TR><TD width=30></TD><TD><CONE arrangement><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TR><TD width=30></TD><TD>ì Total number of cone: 20
ì Distances between cones (center of cone): 0.9 m
ì Run for start (from start to first cone): 9m
ì Distance after passing through the last cone: 3.9m
ì Size of cone: - Bottom diameter: 7cm, height: 8cm, diameter of upper part: 4cm
ì Total distance: 30m
<STANDARD for judgment><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TR><TD width=30></TD><TD>ì The point is deducted 2 seconds when every one cone fall down (+ 2 seconds)
ì Just passing through cone is deemed same as the case falling it down.
ì The better record will be chosen out of two times of trial.
ì Conditions of failure: If player knock down more than 6 cones, he/she fails in game (if player fails in two times of trial, he/she will be excluded)
    (ex&gt; 2 cones fell down + 4 cones just passed by ---&gt; excluded)
ì The rank is decided by the time each player used.
</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><img src="http://www.jejuinline.org/4thjeju/images/tour/dot_sub_litegre.gif">  Free Style <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TR><TD width=30></TD><TD><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 4pt">♂</FONT>  Organizer arranges audio equipments and each player prepares the music with which he/she wants to play.
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 4pt">♂</FONT>  The play is commenced when the music is started with start signal of staff!!
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 4pt">♂</FONT>  Player shows his/her techniques and talents freely within 2 minutes.
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TR><TD width=30></TD><TD><ARRANGEMENT of cone><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TR><TD width=30></TD><TD>ì Total number of cones: 40
ì Cones are to be aligned in two lines, and the distance between 2 lines is 2m.
ì In the first line, the distances between cones are 90 cm (20 cones)
ì And in the second line, the distances between cones are 60 cm (20 cones)
ì 1临篮 能 埃拜 120 cm ( 20俺 )
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发表于 2005-3-18 07:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-3-18 19:05 | 显示全部楼层
<>光kim jonghwa那身打扮就挺象SEB的!</P><>再看看,kim jonghwa120CM和50CM的动作象极SEB的风格,只是衔接不如SEB流畅!80就可以看出以往他自己的风格,一些在DEB IN KOREA录象中看见过!</P><>kim jonghwa整体速度相比以前慢些,不过还算中上!显得特稳,旧碰一个桩,赞!</P>
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发表于 2005-3-19 00:02 | 显示全部楼层
<>还是比较喜欢韩国人的比赛风格 个人感觉法国的观赏性没韩国的强</P>
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发表于 2005-3-19 21:57 | 显示全部楼层
Kim Jonghwa真是Crazy啊,居然最开始的那条80cm的桩做过来又做过去又做过来又做过去,难道不会腿发软啊,难道他有练过???不过有没发现他开始的那条桩做的有点小心的感觉,而且比较放松动作幅度不很大,我想他应该是在节省力气,防止做到一半脚软了[em05][em05][em05]
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发表于 2005-4-9 22:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-5-1 14:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-5-19 21:42 | 显示全部楼层
[em02][em02]经典 经典哦 [em05][em05][em02]
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