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[器材介绍] [转帖] Dmitry Milyokhin 对 SEBA2005的测评报告

发表于 2005-8-26 09:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 ※追風マ少年 于 2016-4-10 09:22 编辑

[img]data/attachment/dvbbs/2005-8/2005826173116797.jpg[img] 原文地址:"http://rollerclub.ru/english/testdrive/seba.htm The coming year 2006 is expected to please us with several slalom models of different brands. We have no information which of these models will be represented on the Russian market, though we have an opportunity to test one of the most interesting example - skates developed by Sebastian Laffargue, with simple and plain name - "Seba". 1. Appearance.

The skates will be represented in black-gray color layout. As we now the model will be also produced in black-red colors. Their appearance inspires respect, it’s a real slalom hi-tech. : Further view and usage showed that every detail was made very consciously and with determined practical purpose. Nevertheless, it is not the final variant and some changes will be made, but these changes won’t touch the main idea and appearance of the skates. 2, 3. Wheels and bearings. This example isn’t stocked with them. 4. Frame. The frame left the most positive impression. It is rather heavy, but extremely tough and probably very durable. One will hardly bend it by hands. : It is marked 6000, the length is 231 mm it is maximum for 76 mm wheels. As Seb says, depending on the sizes there will be also two variants of the frame’s length: 243 for large and 219 for little sizes, for 80 and 72 mm wheels. The laying is standard - 165 mm, moreover there is one additional hole at the each side with 15 mm shift.
8-mm axles, as usual, are incut in the frame; they are worked well and look very solid. Threaded diameter is 7 mm. The slot is very deep for a usual six-sided polyhedron, and it’s a good solution! Such fine axles shouldn’t break. 5. Shell. There are a lot of nuances and details. The skates do not look like Hard-boot Twisters but they are not behind them in rigidity. The boot looks like a speed skates carbon boot, which is masked with the common design of the "leather" top. As if it was made twice bigger to put the inner boot in it. : The walls of the boot are rather thick, so the skates seem wide. Nevertheless, even such broadness and cuff do not make these skates massive. They look very compact on feet. The fixture of the frame to the shell caused great acceptance. : There are 7 (seven!) holes for screws in each metal area. At first, due to the metal areas, the frame is strongly connected with the shell. At second, such number of holes makes possible to tighten the frame to the skates with any laying and accurately put it on the boot. You can also tighten the frame pairwise with screws as Seb does. The only thing that bewildered was the screws for these wonderful holes... It turned out that the frame tightens to the boot with the screws with screw thread of 0.3 inches and the slot needs irregular six-sided polyhedron. The problem is that it is very difficult to find the screws with 1 inch threaded diameter, as ironmonger explained me. I wish they change the screw thread or send us a heap of such screws in store. In theory, "Seba" was designed not only for slalom, but also for freeskate. However, there is only a piece of fabric on the place where slider must be.

The fixation system consists of lace, Velcro and heel buckle. The laces are round and look like hockey laces. The lace is rather thick and it laces up to the top of the boot. As practice shows, such lacing is not very convenient. The Velcro functions - it tighten skate’s nose and does not unloose during skating. Designers used racing skates buckle as heel buckle. It seemed to me that it is too breakable. I can say that ordinary Twister’s buckle is more durable and effective. 6. Cuff.>Cuff, as usual, fixes the top of the feet, but its fixation to the shell is made in the form of four-position
 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-26 09:09 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ※追風マ少年 于 2016-4-10 09:22 编辑

Dmitry对seba做了非常客观的评价,指出了设计上的亮点和不足,同时和twister做了比较. 可以看的出虽然seba的设计不能说是绝对的完美,但在目前现有的平花鞋中, Dmitry还是给了seba很高的评价.下面是原文的翻译,希望大家看过后根据自己穿seba的感受能提出更多有价值的意见. 译文:2006年将有几款不同品牌的平花鞋面市。我们虽然不知道哪一款可以在俄罗斯市场上占据代表性的地位,但是我们很有幸介绍这款有Sebastian自己设计并命名“Seba”。 1。外观。新款Seba将以黑灰色外壳代替红黑外壳。Seba是一款真正的高端的平花鞋,更多的特殊的细节方面的设计使这款鞋满足更多绕桩的要求。但是这个仍然不是最终版本,不过细节的设计不会改变鞋的整体外观。 2, 3. 轮子和轴承配置各地区有差异,暂无评价 4.架子 这款架子相当的重,但是极端的坚固而且可能很具韧性。用手机会很难弯动(6000铝,231mm架子,最大配置4个76mm轮子)。正如Seb所说,根据不同的鞋号会有243mm和219mm两款长度的刀架,并分别配以80mm和72mm的轮子。80mm的穿钉,提供坚固的支持。 5.外壳 上鞋增添了许多细节上的设计。Seba看上去并不像Twister一样的坚硬外壳但丝毫不影响他的硬度,而看上去跟象速滑鞋的弹纤外壳。上鞋的两侧很厚,所以看起来比一般的平花鞋要宽。但是这样的宽度和cuff仍然不会使这双鞋看上去过于累赘。鞋底前后各有7个穿孔,这样的设计提供了更多的DIY空间,同时也可是使鞋身和刀架衔接更牢固。第二,这样的多孔位设计可以更精确的调整上鞋的和刀架的位置。你可以象Seb一样用四个孔位固定刀架(前后个两个)。唯一美中不足的地方是固定螺丝和孔位的问题。固定刀架的螺丝槽是0.3英寸,所以需要不规则的内六角工具。这个设计不能使用常规的一英寸的内六角,所以造成的拆卸困难。建议更改螺丝槽直径或者配备更多备用螺丝。理论上说Seba的不仅是为平花设计,而且更适合FSK。但是在鞋身前端两侧只有一块防磨皮革。可调装置有前端粘带,中段芭扣。前端粘带看上去很象冰球鞋的粘带。粘带很厚并且在鞋的前端固定,实践证明并不是很方便的设计。Seba采用的速滑鞋的中段芭扣。看上去不是很坚固。相比之下Twister的芭扣更加的有效。Seba的独特设计就是在于它的固定位置的具有4个可调位置(5mm一个位置)的外心轴。这样的设计使cuff可调长度和高度。驱动测试会告诉我们这个设计是否有效,但不管怎么样这个也是个非常有创意的设计(不过老款seba的这个设计并不让人满意,很容易松动和脱落,而且目前缺少配件) >6.Cuff Seba的独特设计就是在于它的固定位置的具有4个可调位置(5mm一个位置)的外心轴。这样的设计使cuff可调长度和高度。测试会告诉我们这个设计是否有效,但不管怎么样这个也是个非常有创意的设计(不过老款seba的这个设计并不让人满意,很容易松动和脱落,而且目前缺少配件) 7.内胆 内胆设计很到位,但要经过玩家的测试采知道该内胆是否耐用。从材料上讲,高密度,仿粗糙革以及前端的3孔位设计应该可以提供很好的稳固支持。还有一个创新的设计就是脚跟部的可更换减震器,高硬度适合平花,中硬度适合跳跃,低硬度适合休闲。但是在未来系列模具里可能设计成不可更换的。 测试。穿上Seba是非常困难的事,要松开每一处固定的地方才能穿的进去。建议把前端粘带弄长一些。鞋身感觉会非常的窄,比老款的Twister。再次强调前端粘带是个要改进的地方。内环芭扣必须扣的非常的精确。感觉如果如果用力过猛很容易断裂。最困难的部分是如何让内环芭扣和外环的cuff更好的固定在一起。个人感觉内环芭扣上锯齿状的设计不是很理想,这样的设计更不容易把cuff扣紧。由于窄鞋身和硬壳的设计,鞋整体会感觉很紧。脚跟的位置很合适。Cuff能提供很好的侧面支撑。这些设计是seba和twister在fsk性能方面最大的区别:两款鞋都很很容易同时做正滑和倒滑。相比之下seba更容易做footgun和单轮动作,而且seba有相对更好的传动性以及对动作的控制力。个人感觉后轮相对不是很理想,也可能是因为鞋号大的原因,我想需要一些时间去适应。我还没有通过踝部的外心轴改变cuff的高度,调整到较低的位置,更适合做FSK,调整到较高的位置各方面感觉都很好,外心轴的侧位让我感到不是很舒服。这点有点我个人不是很满意,然后我没有再做更多的测试,穿鞋的一个小时后,我的脚踝开始感觉有压迫感。
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-26 09:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ※追風マ少年 于 2016-4-10 09:22 编辑






CUFF的螺丝掉过一个, 老爸去工厂做了一个给我安上了


















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发表于 2005-8-26 21:13 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ※追風マ少年 于 2016-4-10 09:22 编辑


就连黑色的都不是最终版呀? 看来这次铁了心要把seba搞的完美?

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发表于 2005-8-26 21:29 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ※追風マ少年 于 2016-4-10 09:22 编辑


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发表于 2005-8-26 21:48 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ※追風マ少年 于 2016-4-10 09:22 编辑




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发表于 2005-8-27 04:30 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ※追風マ少年 于 2016-4-10 09:22 编辑

回楼上的 传说没什么大的区别的 听说9月中黑金版的就面市了
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发表于 2005-8-27 06:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ※追風マ少年 于 2016-4-10 09:22 编辑

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发表于 2005-8-27 06:33 | 显示全部楼层
还有为什么SABE的231鞋架不设计成80 80 72 72!觉的设计成全76换轮子不太方便!
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发表于 2005-8-27 08:35 | 显示全部楼层
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