今天收到24Skate活动国际协调人克林曼斯先生的邮件,2013年刷地球活动正式启动了。 首发时间是2013年6月15日格林威治标准时11:00,由于欧洲实行夏时制,首发的北京时间是11+7=18:00。
Dearskaters and friends around the planet, the"24skate" will have a big birthday party this year: It will be itstenth anniversary, starting on 15 of June at 11:00 UTC (formerly known asGreenwich Time). Please join the party and let me know which of the 24 hoursyou would like to roll. Ihave already entered the first entries into the timetables at www.24skate.net. Hopefully this motivatesyou. Thereis no excuse not to 24skate ;-) Bestregards Clemens PSPlease forward this news to your skating fellowship all over the world.Facebook, twitter, whatsapp it or use other more traditional ways forcommunication. PPSIf you received this and still do not know what the 24skate is: www.24skate.net tells it to you in sevenlanguages.