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发表于 2005-12-21 22:42
< ><FONT color=#0000cc>歌曲Scarborough Fair的翻译</FONT></FONT></P>
< >问君何来复何往, <BR>蕙蓠芳芷自含香. <BR>祈君代传尺素去, <BR>曾经琴瑟竟参商. <BR><BR>且备葬衣覆我尸, <BR>蕙蓠芳芷自悲凄. <BR>一针一线缝一泪, <BR>曾经青鬓已霜丝. <BR><BR>且修孤冢为我家, <BR>蕙蓠芳芷自嗟呀. <BR>水畔海中皆犹可, <BR>曾经咫尺却天涯. <BR><BR>且集香草祭我坟, <BR>蕙蓠芳芷自沉吟. <BR>黄土一抔以为饰, <BR>曾经幽梦终断魂. <BR></P>
< >原文歌词为:</P>
<P>Are you going to Scarborough Fair <BR>Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme <BR>Remember me to one who lives there <BR>She was once a true love of mine <BR><BR>Tell her to make me a cambric shirt <BR>Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme <BR>Without no seams nor needle work <BR>Then she’ll be a true love of mine <BR><BR>Tell her to find me an acre of land <BR>Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme <BR>Between salt water and the sea strands <BR> Then she’ll be a true love of mine <BR><BR> Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather <BR>Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme <BR>And gather it all in a bunch of heather <BR>Then she’ll be a true love of mine <BR><BR>Are you going to Scarborough Fair <BR>Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme <BR>Remember me to one who lives there <BR>She was once a true love of mine <BR></P> |